Being a Christian Role Model

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Being a Christian Role Model A role model is somebody you desire to be like; someone who sets a

good example. Christians today need a role model who encourages them

to have faith and be strong through difficult times. The qualities a

Christian role model should have are faith, loyalty, strength,

dedication and not being influenced by public opinions.

Some people would agree with the statement that Peter isn’t a good

role model for Christians today for the reason that Peter promised

that he wouldn’t deny Jesus when Jesus predicted his denial. This

proves that in this passage Peter is untrustworthy; Christians today

want to look up to someone who keeps their promises and is loyal.

Peter denied knowing Jesus outside the high priests house which

demonstrates how peter is not dedicated and is not prepared to accept

the cost “carry cross”. By this we are shown Peter is weak, lacks

strength and courage, all of the most vital qualities needed to be a

role model for today’s Christians. In addition, he also isn’t being a

true friend to Jesus. Jesus had trusted Peter in the garden of

Gethsemane he let him down as he falls asleep when Jesus had asked him

to keep watch. Here he lacks strength and is selfish by putting his

own needs before Jesus’. He failed to recognize that Jesus had needed

him. Moreover Jesus refers to Peter by his old name (Simon), Jesus

shows us that Peter is weak at this time.

Peter again lacks faith; in the calming of the storm he is one of the

frightened disciples. Peter doesn’t demonstrate faith, which is also

needed to be a good role model for Ch...

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a good role model for today’ Christians, for example loyalty, strength

and faith. Although he doesn’t always show these qualities doesn’t

mean he isn’t a good role model. This shows he is human and we can all

lack faith, strength and loyalty at times, but what we learn is that

Peter learns from his mistakes. He is a good role model for Christians

today because he demonstrates how we don’t have to be perfect to be a

follower of Jesus since God is the only one that is perfect, what is

important is that he try’s. When Jesus rises from the dead the women

are told to go tell Peter and the others about the resurrection. Jesus

shows he has obviously forgiven Peter. I think Peter is a good role

model for the reason that he left everything behind; Peter is a good

role model for Christians wanting to be a priest, monk or nun.

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