Being Forced Into Force Essay

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I don't think that people learn who they are by being forced into action because there finding who they really are if there being forced to do it. I wouldn't want to be forced to do something. I would want to do it on my own . I would like to find out who I am by doing it my self and not being forced. I would have to be who I am and do what I like , and find who I am by doing things I like to do. Not what other people want me to do. It's different if you get forced by your family or somebody you are close to. Or when they are from a different state and you have to get forced to marry someone. That's different but being forced to find out who you are I don't think that's right. You might not find out who you are you might find out someone your not and …show more content…

They are never given that success with thoughts , only with action. Only actions are make the people learn who they are. You have to be you ! You might also find out who you are if you fall in love. If you fall in love with someone you can be you around them and you don’t have to be forced into action and you don’t have to be somebody your not. If you were forced to fall in love with somebody you couldn’t be you around them. And then you wont find who you really are , you would find who they would want you to be. So no I do not think that you will find who you are if you are forced in to action. I have been forced into action before and it didn’t help me find who I really was. When I was forced into action it was by my dad and my step mom . They wanted me to be somebody I'm not. They want me to be this perfect kid that I couldn’t be. I mean I can get good grades and I love doing sports and stuff but they wanted me to be more than that and that’s not who I am. I have to find my self by doing what I like and doing what is right for

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