Being A Single Mother At City College

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In the modern world, being a student, especially at very early age can be very challenging. Most people don’t realize how much work and dedication it represents, but as a young woman, it is necessary to show organization, courage and dedication. Being a student, either part time with a job or full time, the pregnancy and the daily care of a child interferes greatly with the life of a student. Being young single mother has significant financial, emotional and psychological consequences on a young woman at City College of San Francisco is harder to achieve as chances for success decrease with age.

The financial aspect of a pregnancy nowadays is quite important. Indeed, girls who expect a child in the near future have to plan thoroughly for the …show more content…

Back to school with the newborn baby, financial issues will present the new mother with an intense dilemma: she will have to choose between continuing her career as it is right now, balancing school, and mother or she might put a momentary stop to her studies in order to find a job to cater to her child’s needs. “All participants indicated that they experienced some degree of financial instability. Over half had applied for public assistance with the hope of receiving some much needed economic assistance while completing their degree. However, only one participant had been successful in this regard. “While single mother students have some of the same educational concerns as their nonparent student peers, they face a financial burden that is unique. Due in large part to the expenses involved in raising a child, single mother students are more likely than non-parent students to identify finances as a primary source of stress in their lives “Jillian. For the single mother always is very difficult especially in financial and student always have concern how can survive and continue to study for high education and do model for the children. The struggle with being a young single mother is that her career is not yet set and that most older women when giving birth usually have stable situation because they have finished school and are settled down. Even if they are single mothers being older and financially stable decrease the daily stress of this situation. At the contrary when at school, a young student has to deal with homework, exams, tuition, and being able to study after school and take care of her child, which are very difficult situations and imply a lot of courage and organization.

In many cases mothers have to put their career on hold until the child is old enough to go to public schools where tuition is free. “Twelve of the 13 single mother students did not receive financial support from the state

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