Before The Season Begins

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Sitting in class eagerly awaiting the final bell to sound, all the guys in the classroom on the team all wore their blue Russell brand jerseys with white numbers. This was a typical experience I had playing high-school football, and I feel many people that have played sport can agree that all you think about in school on game day was the game itself. High-school football is many small towns and city’s pride and joy. I cannot think of one high-school that does not love the football season. It does not matter where you are from people that have played high-school football speak the same language and share the same love and passion for the game. High-school football is elevated to such a high status many towns shut down just so all the town residents have the opportunity to see the game. High school consists of some of the best high school memories a teenage boy can have and in long run football can teach values that are essential tools for the rest the boy’s life. In order to get to the high school football there is a lot of preparation the team must do before even thinking about playi...

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