Becoming A Pastor

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Growing up as a pastor's kid, I have been asked this infamous question, "What does your dad even do during the week?" Well, anyone who knows the reality of this question understands the struggle of trying to answer it. The others who don't comprehend the complexity of this job think pastors have it easy, and assume that all they have to do is simply preach on Sunday and then relax the rest of the week. This is far from the truth. Becoming a pastor is a passion of mine, and because of this I have decided to specifically research the variety of writing methods there are in being a pastor. Sermons are undoubtedly the main aspect when it comes to writing, nevertheless pastors use other types of writing to reach out and connect with people. Everyone …show more content…

With a constant turnaround period for writing sermons, it sometimes becomes difficult to keep up with. In Banks' words, "You are constantly having to write what would be considered a term paper in college." The amount of time it takes to write one sermon varies, depending on the type of week in terms of busyness. One average a sermon takes about four to five hours to write. However, that doesn't include the time wasted on the dreaded writer's block. No matter who you are or what you do, everyone has experienced writer's block at least once. I asked Joe how he deals with this issue and he responded, "Nine times out of ten a pastor gets to this part of his sermon where he is stuck. Writing a message is a lot like a wrestling match. It's a struggle. A fight to figure out the flow and next part of the message. When it comes down to being stuck I usually let it sit. I will pray and ask for guidance. What really helps me is when I call my father and discuss it with him. Just simply talking through it with someone helps so much. My favorite part is the break through. The clarity. Having inspiration from God makes you feel like you are a part of something bigger than itself" (Banks). Writer's block is miserable but knowing how to overcome and get past it is key to successful writing. People don't realize the amount of effort that goes into writing a sermon, but that's not all what pastors do with

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