Beauty Therapy Assignment

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Assessment is a process carried out to ensure that learning has taken place. It measures the learner’s knowledge and skills in their learning area, for me this area is Beauty Therapy. Assessment should encourage the learners to ask questions on anything they have not fully understood, as learners know that they will have to prove their knowledge and understanding to the standards of the awarding organisation. These standards and expectations vary depending on the chosen awarding organisation, some have a very rigid structure, whereas others take a more holistic approach to assessment and therefore look at the process as a whole. For beauty therapy my students are under VTCT, they use a holistic approach to learning and assessment and learners are given set outcomes and ranges they must complete in a timely manner.

During an initial assessment, as the assessor I will introduce myself to the learner and ensure they are aware of the course content, this is done by the learning looking through their assessment book which is thoroughly explained to them. As the assessor I will then go onto explain about the different units, outcomes a ranges of the …show more content…

This fits in well with the practical assessment methods and portfolio of evidence. As the assessor I will assist the learner at this stage by supporting them in choosing the correct assessment method most suited to them, ensuring I am adhering to the awarding organisation regulations. Once a learner has enrolled on the course, as the assessor I will explain to the candidate their assessment plan. This plan will include times and dates that have been set to meet with the learner as well as agreeing on the assessment methods and requirements of the course. This plan will also include individual targets and milestones (predicated unit end dates). This gives the learner a good sense of what they need to achieve and how long they have to achieve this

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