Be Our Guest Summary

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Chapter one of Be Our Guest really focuses hard on the fact that the Disney Corporation believes giving their guest a service that they will never forget is top priority. There were many good points that were brought up in this chapter, I just want to hit some of the main points that drive everything home. Walt Disney had the vision of creating a place where everyone can come and enjoy their time and take something from their experience. One of the things that was mentioned was that without a workforce your organization won’t last. I have worked within quite a few businesses and the ones that didn't have a hard working staff fell apart. Experience economy plays a huge part in your business or organization because your return guests depend all …show more content…

The first point on the compass is guestology which means knowing your guest and being able to adjust accordingly to make them happy. The second point is quality standards which creates the criteria for actions that need to be taken in order to fulfill service strategy. It also sets measures that need to be taken to ensure quality service. Number three on the compass is delivery systems which consists of three systems that every company shares: employees, their setting, and their processes. Employees are the heart of every operation within a company whether they are behind the scenes or up on the front line with guests. Without a solid workforce you can’t expect to give quality service. Walt Disney wanted to have the pavement be different colors and textures at every new area to give the guests a different perspective and let them feel it from their feet. It’s kind of a weird thought but it also makes sense because he was trying to give them a setting that would bring them in to his world. The process that you take can make or break your plans. Whenever a problem arrises you have two options let it go or do something that will fix the issue and make your customers happy. The final point on the compass is integration which pulls all of the delivery systems into one, creating a complete operating

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