Bbc Executive Summary

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Whether its members and staff are members of the public service
Business Development Bank of Canada Act, 1995, c 28 s 5 (2) talks about the limit on directors from public service, according to which “No more than two of the directors, excluding the Chairperson and President, may be appointed from the federal public administration.”
What statutory steps, if any, the agency must take before making decisions that affect the public
Board of directors must follow Business Development Bank of Canada Act, Financial Administration Act (FAA), the Conflict of Interest Act (COIA), Board Code of Conduct and BDC Ethics and Values in making decisions that could affect the public.
According to BDC special examination report 2009, “Unlike private sector banks, in …show more content…

As a federal Crown corporation, BDC also interacts regularly with government officials to ensure alignment with government priorities and to provide updates on BDC’s work.
BDC uses its corporate plan to keep ministers and government officials abreast of and obtain approval for its activities.
What procedures the legislature has put in place to ensure that the agency is accountable for its activities (for example, the requirement to produce an annual report, undergo audit by a government auditor, submit its budget to the government for approval, or have its individual expenditures approved by the government before or after they are made).
As a federal Crown corporation, BDC is accountable for its activities to Parliament, through the Minister of Industry. A Board of Directors, consisting of a Chairperson, the President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), and a maximum of 13 other members, guides the corporation’s activities.
According to financial Admiration Act, BDC is required

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