Descriptive Essay On Bayside

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Description Essay

"WE ARE GOING TO BAYSIDE!" Shouted Karen from the top of her lungs to me while I was driving. Karen and I did not know where to go one day, so on a sunny and beautiful day we decided to go to a gorgeous place called Bayside. Bayside is a special place to people who reside in Miami and even tourist because of the numerous things to do there. As soon as someone walks to the open-door marketplace there is always an employee who comes up to a person talking about deals, advertisement, etc. Bayside represents Miami for many reasons such as the wonderful views it has to offer, also by the astonishing meals and the modern Hispanic music/culture that makes all types of people from different nationalities dance.

Bayside has many beautiful views from all types of angles. From the boats loading dock to the suns reflection in the water, it can definitely catch someone's attention. Bayside is filled with a bountiful amount of restaurants with substantial views of the city and the ocean. However one restaurant stands out the most. Towards the end of Bayside there is a restaurant with a dance floor where people can view you from a glass wall. Here all types of people can interact and socialize together. It's fascinating when people can come together as one and just have a wonderful time. …show more content…

Bayside has your very common family eateries but has a select few of go to restaurants and must have dishes. On the upper level there is a food court. Latin, American, and even Chinese dishes are served here making your decision on where to eat that more difficult. While strolling around the food court, you'll encounter most restaurants giving out food samples to sway you to their dish. At every corner, at every angle, and at every direction you can inhale the flavors and spices from the food over the grill. Definitely one of the best features about

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