Bath Time Procedure

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The bath time can be very hot, both for you and for the baby, but it is good to pay attention to safety tips:

It does not matter where you're going to take a shower. Never, under any circumstances, leave the baby alone during the shower. Prepare everything you will need in advance: towels, toiletries, clean diaper, clean clothes. If the doorbell or telephone rings and you need to answer anyway, wrap the child in the towel and carry it with you.

Never place your baby in the bathtub while it is still full, with the faucet or showerhead open. The temperature of the water may change, or you may be mistaken in depth.

It is not necessary to boil the water in the bath, unless you are unsure of the origin or if it is well water.

If using a mixer or heating the water on the stove, first fill the tub with cold water and then mix the hot water so as not to risk the baby burning. Mix the two waters well - sometimes one side of the tub gets warmer than the other. This type of burn is more common than you might think. …show more content…

It should be warm, not hot. Studies show that the temperature of 38 degrees Fahrenheit helps babies control body temperature.

For newborns and infants up to 6 months, put about 13 inches of water (about eight fingers), or enough to accommodate the baby with water up to the shoulders. Often the baby cries in the bath because it is not covered enough with water, and it gets cold. If the baby is already seated, never place it with water above the waist line (in the seated position).

Teach early from your baby to always sit in the tub, never

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