Basic Clinical Interviewing Skills During The Ideal Patient Interview

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After my first simulated patient interview, my main goals were to improve basic clinical interviewing skills such as paraphrasing and summarizing, to make a deeper contact with a client more focusing of client’s feelings and emotions than my own and to be more confident and relaxed during second simulated patient interview. Talking about basic clinical interviewing skills and confidence-related goal, during the second simulated patient interview I felt more confident about myself and I was seeing my role as a psychologist more clearly. Sadly, it did not prevent me from making some mistakes. For instance, during earlier stimulated patient interview I was using phrase “I see” all the time, while during this interview I was able to control it …show more content…

I believe I was able partly to improve basic interviewing skills by summarizing a lot; however, I should still work on making paraphrasing more natural skill during conversation. Talking about my confidence during second interview – I felt better than the first time, because my role as a therapist was clearer to me - I knew what kind of questions I need to ask and what is my role in this conversation. However, I am still struggling to make a deeper contact and actual emotional bond with a client and it remains my main goal for future interviews, but I do not feel hopeless about it anymore as I felt about it immediately after interview. Now I believe that successful interview depends mostly not on the comforting phrases that feel fake or other basic interviewing skills (of course it is also important and helps a lot, but I think it is not the most important aspect in creating a bonding with other person) but on actual therapist interest to the client and feelings of understanding and acceptance. You can always learn to use some phrases or speak in certain way, but you will not learn to actually care about other people. I care about others I just did not find my way to express it

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