Baroque Music: The Violin Bow

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The violin bow is very important because it’s what makes the instrument create music. The bow structure play a huge role in the sound created, therefore, if it was changed the sound would be completely different. Throughout history the violin has remained pretty much the same though the violin bow was altered multiple time in order for the performer to create the sound they desire.Overall the history of the violin bow is split into three periods, Baroque, Classical, and Modern. During the baroque period, they used bows that were convex and tapered at the end. It was also made out of snake wood, which is lighter than the modern violin bow, and it was balanced toward the frog instead of in the middle. Because of that the bow starts out strong and fades out when it reaches the tip. The baroque music is played with characteristic of lightness because of the bow. This is also why there isn’t much dynamics because of its balance. Baroque composers also believed that the performer should have control what they should do with the notes, so it was up to the performer to ad gracing into the piece. Instead of having a screw mechanism, the bow had a clip at the frog which loosen and tighten the bow and the bow had less than the modern day bow. No uniform standards emerged on a widespread scale, i.e. in this context one cannot speak of there being a typical model of a Baroque violin bow. What is, however, typical of Baroque-period bows is the diversity of shapes and designs.
In the beginning of the 18th century, violin bows were convex, and …show more content…

The violin bow is essentially what entertains the audience, and makes them closer to music. Overall, the violin bow was altered multiple times throughout history, while the violin remained pretty much the same, this allow the different style of music and the creation of dynamics. It possible that he violin bow with continue to

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