Baron Von Reichenburg's Short Story: The Silver Legion

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Grey skies over Ireland that faithful day, the allied forces have been holding the beaches for months. Smoke still rose from the dilapidated shells of crushed tanks that still threatened to rupture at any second. The Axis Forces led by Baron Von Reichenburg had been attempting to take the island for use of an airfield, from there they would topple Britain and Europe would belong the Silver Legion. Amelia waited anxiously on her gun as her loader Karl tapped his foot nervously. The rain began pouring down outside as the unmistakable looming grey hulls of Legion ships began approaching. She tightened the chinstrap on her helmet and unlocked the gun’s safety. She could hear the sound of loaders scrambling shells the artillery outside of their pillbox. The gas mask covering her face seemed to grow heavy with fear as the Legion ships suddenly flared to life. The roar of engines of planes and boats being launched at full speed created a throbbing deep rumble in the distance. The 45 pound guns in the trenches outside opened fire with a massive salvo of shells that …show more content…

She turned her head back to her gun and her heart stopped at what she saw; a man stood in front of the gun, his grey trench coat spattered with mud and his sloping helmet shadowed the lenses of his gas mask. He raised his rifle and bellowed “Für das Imperium!” She yanked Karl out of the way as three shots smashed into the wall behind them. The Legion soldier readjusted his aim, but before he had the chance to fire Karl was on top of him. They wrestled for the gun, rolling this way and that for control of the firearm. The soldier unsheathed a long silver bayonet after landing a punch to the side of Karl’s face that stunned him. He raised the knife, but before he had the chance to plunge the knife downwards, Amelia smashed him over the back of the head with an empty ammunition canister. The soldier crumpled to the ground,

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