Barbeque Techniques

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Purpose of the document:
The purpose of this report is to provide a comprehensive analysis of exporting easy flame barbeques to Argentina and the factors that affected his exporting business.
1.1. Profile:
Mariano Ferreyra, an Argentinean who settled in Australia for many years has observed many lifestyle correspondences between Australians and Argentineans. He also noticed that many products that available in Australia are not available in Argentina and vice-versa. Besides his postgraduate degree in International Marketing he is also having interest in trade marketing. But that degree has given him only materialistic experience doesn’t have any practical experience .Mariano started studying about the products that may export to Argentina and finally got a conclusion of exporting Barbeques will be the best option. As he know that they use Barbeques in their way of cooking because most of the Argentina’s enjoy external lifestyle, he thought that would the better option and started implementing the idea of exporting Barbeques to Argentina, and prepared a plan in which he will send Barbeques to the Argentina through shipping which will be collected by his brother and his family who are already involved in business and living in Cordoba i.e. Second largest city in Argentina .Mariano speaks Spanish language and linguistic and he his brother well education leading in top most Argentinean university in Buenos Aires, will receive the products from the shipping and then preserve them in safe place , then he will take the stock to the market for vending. This is the overview plan of exporting that was designed by Mariano.
Let us discuss about some issues that he overlooked in his id...

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...who do a lot for home entertaining even though they use it for less they want it to be more featured and should give them rich appearance this model is designed considering upper class people who stay in large villas and huge houses, it costs $899 which is not a burden for high class people. Deluxe model is with full range of features than compact and medium –sized barbeques.
4. Mariano’s first exporting venture.
The barbeque to Argentina two ways trade relatively limited skills in international marketing is lot of identified products and organizing their shipment. He decides to focus on exporting products to Argentina and distribution in various markets places.
5. Uncontrollable factors:
5.0 Political:
In Argentina barbeque production and manufacture should approach the government policies. The barbeque to be sale at whole price as government

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