Banned Persuasive Speech

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Brandon R. clark Part of the freedoms of being an American is the ability to decide your own path in life including obesity. When the government interferes with one’s ability to consume beverages either artificially sweetened or naturally sweetened, part of what our nation was based on has been violated. That is what the New York City Health Department did with their experiment against anti-obesity. The ban would prevent retailers from selling sweetened beverages in containers larger than 16 oz. I do not support such ban because I believe in personal choice and the freedom to be an independent thinker. In this report, I will indicate the benefits of my decisions and the negative consequences to retailers and consumers. …show more content…

The ban would affect restaurants, mobile food carts, sports arenas and movie theaters. The ban would also affect grocery stores and convenience stores which sells “jumbo” sized soft drinks. The main focus of this ban was presented by Michael Bloomberg in his attempt to decrease the amount of people from becoming obese. In his ten years prior to the ban, Michael Bloomberg required chain restaurants to post calorie counts on their menus to inform their customers. The mayor’s focus is to target adults and children from “preventative” obesity. In support of his ban, there is evidence (data) proving sugary drinks contribute to the obesity epidemic.

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