Bank Of America Case Analysis

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1. -3 pages) 1.1. Company overview (history, location, owner, etc.) The Bank of America, the second largest bank holding company in the United States by assets after JP Morgan Chase (Forbes, 2013) was originally founded in 1904 as the Bank of Italy. The Bank of America is now a multinational and financial services corporations with its headquarters located in Charlotte, North Carolina. In 1998 North Carolina National Bank started a series of acquisitions of several banks (including the Bank of America in 1998). The newly-merged bank took the name Bank of America and maintained its headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina (Bank of America: Our Heritage, 2014). In the 2000s. Bank of America continued to expand with the acquisition of FleetBoston (2004), MBNA (2006), investment management company U.S. Trust (2007), mortgage company Countrywide (2008), and Merryl Lynch in 2009 (Gupta & Herman, 2012). The 2008 crash in the U.S. Housing market associated with subprime mortgage and Merry Lynch losses, Bank of America accepted a $20 billion government bailout with the intention of stabilizing the financial marjets (Gupta & Herman, 2012). Band of America later repaid that amount with interests. In 2010, according to Forbes, Bank of America was the world’s third largest company after JP Morgan Chase and General Electric. In 201, however, Bank of America began conducting personnel reductions of an estimated 36,000 people, contributing to intended savings of $5 billion per year by 2014 (Bank of America Ending 30K more jobs, 2011). As for ownership, Bank of America is a publicly traded company listed under BAC in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) 1.2. Brief SWOT analysis • Strengths: As the second largest banking company in the U.S., B... ... middle of paper ... the future adopted of other programs. The costs associated with the online banking operation were out weighted by the benefits provide by the program. Resource had to be taking from other areas of the bank in order to start the program, which included creating the website, make it secure and promote it to customers. However, many benefits also came with the creation of this program. The first would be that it changes the patterns in customer uses of different banking channels. In active users of online banking there were drops in the use of some on the other banking channels. Another benefit is the retention that was created by online banking. This happened because once a customer entered all their information they saw it as a buried to switch bank and have to do it all over again. Therefore, customers would stay more and longer with their current bank.

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