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What is bandwidth? Bandwidth, in this case, is essentially the amount of Internet traffic that can flow in and out of a computer network. Every click to a website, every email you send or video you view takes up some degree of the overall bandwidth available on a network or Internet connection. The connection we have at Dakota Valley is shared between all users in the district.

What is the limit on bandwidth? We have a 10Mbps link, which was increased from 2Mbps two years ago. Most home Internet providers offer 1.5Mbps to 5Mbps. The larger the number of Mbps (megabits per second) translates to a larger “pipe” available to pass more data. Our link is a different than one you would have at home. Our Internet connection is also significantly more expensive as a result. We have certain guarantees with our service and upload /download bandwidth (speed, in some sense) that is not generally provided to home users. At home, the guarantee may be for downloads only (things coming to your computer) and the speed may be “throttled” or reduced after so many minutes of overuse. Some providers only guarantee a level of bandwidth to their own internal network and not the Internet itself.

What are we using on bandwidth? Of the “potentially abused” sites the top categories are Shopping, Sports and Games. Image searches and online videos also use a significant amount of bandwidth. Whether the video is on You Tube, MSNBC or ESPN it doesn’t make a difference as they all utilize bandwidth resources heavily. School uses are significant. DDN Campus, our library software, Alternative School software and many other curricular and school management programs are provided through our Internet connection. When bandwidth issues arise, many of these other ...

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...deo sites among others. This is a benefit many schools are not able to provide. Last year we would often peak at 70% usage. Going into this school year, it was known that we may “run out” of available bandwidth with the addition of the student laptops. Personal Relationships were blocked (myspace/facebook types of sites) as their role was deemed significantly more personal than work/school related. During peak use periods and during a time while many abusers were online attempting to watch movies, television shows and other non-school sites blocking became very restrictive in order to stabilize our connection. Most schools block all multimedia websites such as You Tube as a means to manage bandwidth. I honestly hope we don’t have to institute that level of blocking again, but it is certainly a possibility, especially if abuse or overuse becomes apparent once again.

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