Babylon Research Paper

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Marcus Carr
Professor Christopher Maronde
Religion 121
Babylon Babylon was an ancient powerhouse, and a prominent figure in the Biblical Old Testament. Its name means “City of god” and it has lived up to a name of that magnitude. They were a nation rich in history, and would grow to be rich in possessions. Their rise to power can be attributed to their location of natural resources, and to the great leaders they had throughout their centuries of existences. Unfortunately, most of its history has been washed away, as much Old Babylon is now underwater. The Babylonian Empire seen in the Bible started out as a typical Mesopotamian city-state. This is the same area that also gave rise to the Sumerian and Assyrian kingdoms, and has been …show more content…

Babylon was built straddling the Euphrates river, allowing easy access to the most important resource for any growing civilization, water. The exact year that Babylon was founded is unknown. What we do not that it was already a minor city when Sargon of Akkad reigned over Mesopotamia from 2334 until 2279 BCE. Babylon had a massive ziggurat in the middle of it that has largely been believed to have been to Tower of Babel mentioned in Genesis. The Tower of Babel is where the Babylon would not become a great city until the rule of Hammurabi. Hammurabi came to power in the early 18th century BCE, after his father, and king, died. Hammurabi is best known for the legal code he created, which contained two hundred eighty-two laws, and established many concepts still in practice. Hammurabi used his position to establish a minimum wage, and placed the burden of proof on the accuser. Unlike most leaders of his time, Hammurabi expanded his empire through diplomacy, eventually uniting the entire Mesopotamian region, and naming it Babylonia. He then launched public building protects, enlarging the walls and building canals. Once, Hammurabi died, his empire quickly fell, with generals and politicians claiming as much land as …show more content…

Nebuchadnezzar is well known, mainly because he is the king mentioned in the Bible. While attempting to take Egypt, war broke out between his army and the people of Judah. While Jerusalem was under siege, the Jewish king Jehoiakim, son of Josiah, paid out most of its gold and silver from the temple and palaces to its allies, in an attempt to be saved. But, Jehoiakim never got his help, and became a vassal to the Babylonian empire. Jehoiakim

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