Baby Boomer Retirement Case Study

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Baby Boomers Face Many Financial Headwinds as they Approach Retirement As droves of Baby Boomers are reaching retirement (about 10,000 a day), many are finding themselves wondering if they will outlive their retirement savings. Recently, Forrester conducted a survey on Baby Boomers’ retirement outlook, and the results are troubling to say the least. According to the study, 2 out of 3 Baby Boomers were predominantly concerned about outliving their retirement savings (Annexus Releases, 2018). Nevertheless, Baby Boomers would be prudent in understanding where they are in the current economic cycle. After ten years of quantitative easing, with Federal funds rates near zero, the monetary policy set forth by the Federal Reserve has the economy on the path of rising interest rates. As the Fed gradually increases rates, Boomers will find that higher interest rates will act like a double-edged sword on their retirement funds. Many other macroeconomic factors will weigh on retirement …show more content…

China immediately responded with 50 billion in tariffs on U.S. goods. Although the tariffs are not yet set in stone, world markets remain on edge. If a trade-war were to ensue, inflation and the prices of goods would rise substantially, negatively affecting retirement savings. This could also prompt the Fed to raise interest rates faster than anticipated, adding further strain. If we look back at the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, history shows that imposing tariffs may not be in the best interest to resolve trade disputes. When Smoot-Hawley took effect, the unemployment rate was at eight percent, and rose to twenty-five percent three years later as world trade slowed. With international trade uncertainties looming, other macro events threaten Boomers’ retirement portfolio’s as

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