Babies Movie Analysis

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There are babies all around the world, babies are being born every day. While every baby is, different and comes from different families they also come from different cultures and every culture is different from one another. Each culture has a different way of caring for an infant. Through these cultures every infant from a different culture has a different way of development physically, cognitive and emotional development. All these developments have an impact on the culture they come from as well as what resources each of these cultures have. Some cultures are fortunate enough to have resources, hospitals, homes, beds, privacy and help. What cultures may be different than what we live in, could we live in someone else’s culture and still …show more content…

They are playing together and talking a little. One gets upset with the other and starts crying. I take crying into a cognitive development because they recognize that pain as well as know that if they do cry they are going to get attention. They recognize this and that is why the little baby in this scene at the first of the movie continues to cry even though when hardly anything happened to him and the other little baby was fine. He wanted attention. Per S. Tulane (personal communication, October 14, 2017). At ages 4 to 6 months’ infants tend to observe more of interest at this age and with this they are observing the interest of their caregiver. When the infant was crying, and kept crying he was wanting attention. He was seeking for the attention of his caregiver to make things better. He could recognize this at such a young age as they develop that need and want for …show more content…

They are both laughing and playing together. Through this the older boy had more of a social life and experience with talking that he knew what was going on as you watch this scene you see that the baby is observing not only the brother’s actions but also following him when he talks or laughs the baby would too. As they play with the spoon in a bucket of water they laugh and are socializing. When this is, all happening, the baby decides it wants to play in the water more and ends up spilling the water. The mother comes in later and sees what the baby has done. She then gets mad at the child and is teaching them right by talking to him. She spanks him on the bum a couple times and gets after him. The baby knows that his mother is not happy and he too shows no emotion when she is getting after him. He knows that he is in trouble. Through this situation, the textbook talks how babies show a preference for languages, specifically their mothers. When this mother was getting after this child for spilling the water the child recognized the tone of her voice. Between the brain development the baby could recognize the tone of its mother’s voice and knew that he was in trouble (Levine & Munsch, 2016). Through what the textbook talked about and the scene from the movie we know that through this development that babies do hear and recognize the things around them and tones of

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