BTEC National Certificate In Business

4403 Words9 Pages

BTEC National Certificate In Business

“Improving performance in the Workforce”

Task P1

The targets set by both I and my line manager can be seen below:

1. Increase sales by 25% in the next 6 months.

2. Increase staff members in each department by 2 in the next 4


3. Introduce 3 new products to the company every 3 months.

4. Have 5 more counters available on the shop floor for the

customers in the next 4 months.

5. Reduce costs by 10% in the next 4 months.

6. Decrease in absenteeism by 15% in the next 6 months.

I aim to achieve these targets by being competitive in the department

that I operate in as a Sales Assistant, therefore the manager will

need to select and recruit the right people and I also hope to

contribute towards these decisions being made. To remain competitive

Tesco needs to monitor and manage employee performance. By monitoring

employee performance, the business will be able to identify any

problems that arise and can then plan to address those problems. One

way to address these problems will be through the training and

development of employees.

Tesco needs to ensure that its employees are performing effectively.

They will need to:

· Identify which areas are unsatisfactory i.e. certain staff members,

layout of shop floor etc…

· Have a documentation based on each employee such as a Diary or Log

· Find areas where employees need to be trained and developed.

· Encourage and reward good performance - perhaps with

performance-related pay in the form of bonus or pay increases etc…

· Relate each employees set target to Tesco’s objectives and aims.

· Responsibilities of the employer and employee for skill development.

· Obtain suggestions from staff members in ways of meeting objectives.

In Tesco people are employed in order to help the organisation to

produce its goods and service. The efforts of Human Resources managers

are directed towards improving the performance of employees and

thereby enabling Tesco to achieve its objectives.

One measure of the performance of Tesco is to compare profits against

itself over the years as well as their competitors to see whether they

have made any improvements. This will give an indication of whether

Tesco is performing adequately.

Tesco currently use an appraisal system to help assess employee

performance. The app...

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between the two of them.

The appraisal is therefore used to:

1. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of staff members competencies

2. Identifying training needs

3. identifying potential staff

4. deciding rewards

5. improving communication

6. provides evidence for future action

7. improving motivation

Employees who are given work assignments to do are often encouraged to

evaluate their own performance in carrying out these assignments to

the required standards. Employees therefore have to take more

responsibility for their own work area and for monitoring their own

performance in this area. This is clearly motivational.

Employers are responsible for those that they hire as well as those

who already work there. They need to make sure that all tasks within

the company are at a high standard at all times. They need to be aware

of competitors as they try to always keep ahead of competition i.e.

products, shop layout, location, profits gained, market share etc… the

employer will also have to make sure all departments are up to date

and aren’t slacken. If so, this should then be told as soon as

possible to the employer so action can be taken if necessary.

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