Good evening Mrs. Kirkland,
I am a student from the midlothian campus retaking BIO 101 for the third time. Last semester, I enrolled for BIO 101 with Prof. Rupa Bandyopadhyay. I did not preform well in her class as my father became injured and after multiple knee surgeries he was unable to work and drive. From that, I ended up moving to his house in Glen Allen to help him around which resulted in me missing classes which prevented me from the coursework. Although I failed this class, from the beginning, before my father's injury, I had actively participated in class sessions and found the way she taught/lectured was very understandable and effective. After gaining your approval to retake this class with the same professor, I aimed to fully
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You have left the class before you have given the data.They had to repeat the experiment.
I can not grant you the daily lab performance. You will get the credits for your submission.
Dr. Bandy"
I had not bought a lab book for this semester as I have already taken her class beforehand and according to her grading, she grades us on actively preforming the lab, submitting a prelab and submitting a post lab. The lab book had never been turned in for grading and in this course's first lab, she also did not ask students to turn in their lab book for a grade. She allows us to use the JT laptop's during the lab which we are able to access our postlab, which on that page, it contains the questions that we would correspond to our lab which is what we would fill out in the book. So being able to access my postlab during the lab, I am able to enter in fresh information as I preform my lab into my postlab instead of putting the answers into my book just to enter it into my postlab. As I have taken this class before, I am aware that I have done these labs and that I could be using my old answers from past labs for the assignments which is unfair to other students. As she was coming around the room to check on our data, I had mine
The results of this experiment are shown in the compiled student data in Table 1 below.
Another confound that may impact the results of this study could be the testing effect. Repeated testing may lead to better or worse performance. Changes in performance on the test may be due to prior experience with the test and not to the independent variable. In addition, repeated testing fatigues the subjects, and their performance declines as a result (Jackson, 2012). Because the professor is interested in determining if the implementation of weekly quizzes would improve test scores, an experimenter and/or an instrumentation effect may also affect results.
Then there was a total of 30 Pixy Stix. The test subjects were each given 3 Pixy Stix and a paper that gave instructions and for them to record results. First, the test subjects recorded their mood 1-5. Next, they ate the Pixy Stix and waited 30 minutes. During those 30 minutes the test subjects did not consume any food. After the 30 minutes was up, the test subjects recorded their mood. The test subjects did this a total of 3 times to complete the 3 trials needed for the experimental group. For the control group, the same 10 test subjects were used. They recorded their mood 1-5 and waited 30 minutes. During this 30 minutes they did not consume anything at all. After the 30 minutes was up they, recorded their mood
Metabolism is extremely altered during the transition period. The prepartum is marked by an accentuated fetus growth (Bauman and Bruce Currie, 1980) and the onset of lactation; however, the postpartum is marked by an increase in milk production over time and deficit on the intake of nutrients. This situation causes a negative balance of nutrients, when the intake of nutrients does not meet the requirements of the animal; more specifically about energy, it is well-known that transition cows undergo negative energy balance (NEB), and it is easily characterized by body weight (BW) and body condition score (BCS) loss. Bertics et al., 1992, and Hayirli et al., 2002, observed that DMI is affected during the prepartum period, showing a decrease of about 30% on the last couple weeks before parturition. After parturition, DMI increases to support mainly the demands for lactation but it is still not enough to meet the animal demands (NRC, 2001). DMI is directly related to milk yield and strategies have been developed to maximize intake in order to increase milk production, this shows its importance by the fact of an increase of about 1 kg on milk production at peak of lactation reflects about 200 kg of extra milk on the current lactation. Providing quality feed and maximizing DMI during the transition period is of high importance in minimizing NEB and its detrimental effects consequently improving milk production. Metabolic demands are increased to support lactation, and homeorhetic adaptations occur to partition nutrients to the mammary gland. A good example it is the glucose metabolism, an important metabolite used as main fuel for cells and also transformed in lactose by the mammary gland, which is affected in order of trying to meet th...
In COL 101 I have learned many new things about college. Since this is my first semester at college I did not really know where everything was. This class really helped me to learn new things about myself, including what resources are available to me, what my plan for the future is, and the many changes I have endured during this course.
“Modern man does not experience himself as a part of nature but as an outside force destined to dominate and conquer it. He even talks of a battle with nature, forgetting that if he won the battle he would find himself on the losing side” (E.F. Schumacher, 1974).
other UB undergrads do these same things. You are doing this as part of a class on learning
Darwinism, the theory of evolution, is a controversial theory that is still being contemplated today. Before the 19th century scientist were puzzled by the idea of where humans, plants, and animals originated. In the late 1700s the question was first tried by a group of scientist, but they were not successful. It was not until a young Charles Darwin found interest in the subject that the discovery was finally able to become a theory. His observations led to his theory of evolution by natural selection. Although, it was a new discovery that shocked so many, Darwin and his accomplices did not realize how significant their newfound theory was. ~~~~
Remember when it was published that Pluto is no longer considered as a planet? I remember that our physics teacher was really angry about the fact that in space agency discarded the fact that was known and generally accepted by the general public. In my essay I will discuss how the “old” knowledge was affected when there were new aspects of particular knowledge discovered. I will focus on two areas of knowledge: The natural sciences and the arts and I will ask myself: To what extend can new knowledge contributes to abundance of old, generally recognised facts?
Ecosystems are the basic biological units of ecology, and consist of biotic organisms and their interactions amongst other living organisms, as well as the surrounding abiotic environment (Putman and Wratten 1984). One facet of ecosystems that is less-often mentioned is the process of decomposition, as it many may view it as an unclean, unpleasant process that occurs after an organism has ceased to exist. To those with an ecological framework, however, decomposition is viewed as the opposite – an interesting, intricate process teeming with biological activity and life (Swan and Kominoski 2012). What is decomposition? Formally, decomposition is defined as the process to which complex organic matter is broken down to its basic constituents (i.e.
Microbes are microscopic life forms, usually too small to be seen by the naked eye. Although many microbes are single-celled, there are also numerous multi-cellular organisms. The human body has 10-100 trillion microbes living on it, making it one giant super-organism. Since the first link between microbes and diseases was made, people have been advised to wash their hands. Scientists, however, have recently started to investigate more closely how the microbes that call the human body home affect our health. While some microbes cause disease, others are more beneficial, working with our bodies in many subtle ways.
Abiogenesis in the simplest terms comes down to the learning and study of early life in biology from inorganic and inanimate objects. This simple definition opens an entire branch of study of biology, from looking into early molecules all the way to the first signs of life and how these came about. Early evolution is a hard concept to begin to understand, better yet research and work on this topic, such as determining the point where life began and the environment that was present when that phenomenon occurred. All these problems and ideas have led to several methods of trying to replicate the outcome and observe the results of what happened several billion years ago to understand how life came to be.
I learned that it is possible to discuss social issues looking into History of Science and vice-versa, and it matters to me because it means that scientists may not be giving enough attention to the History of Science – I was in my 5th semester of College in Brazil and this is the first time I am really looking into History of Science. More like a continuation of my two last papers than only one paper, I made a review with what I learned previously and this last section. If someone would ask me why, I would say that is because I learned that sometimes we can solve the problems of tomorrow looking right back to the past.
Biological engineering is a type of engineering that uses biological and medical science to create products ranging from medicines to genetically-altered animals and plants in order to solve medical problems that is occurring in the world as of right now in hopes to cure diseases such as AIDs, STIs, and even cancer. A biological engineer’s job is to analyze and design solutions to problems in biology and medicine with intentions to advance the quality of medical care. Biological engineers usually work in places like universities, hospitals, research facilities, and government areas and they normally work full time. In order to pursue this career, you need a bachelor’s degree. Locations of employment occur in at least 30 states such as Texas, Florida, and California (please refer to the second link of the “works cited” page for the full list) in the urban areas. As of May 2012(due to lack of reliable sources for the pay of 2014), the pay people receive from this career varies depending on location and the industry. Hourly pay, according to the “U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics” (BLS), ranges from $41.81 to $43.84 or $86,960 to $139,450 per year with the highest wages coming from Colorado ($104,550) and Minnesota ($103,440) while the lower pay states ($58,380-$74,030) are reported to come exclusively from Arizona, Nebraska, Indiana, Kentucky, South Carolina and Oklahoma. It is also shown that the longer you work in biological engineering, the more money you can receive as if you work for less than a year, you are expected to earn between $40,709-$79,631 while if you worked for more than 20 years, expect your salary to be in between $49,833-$127,477.
An ecosystem is a community of plants, animals and smaller organisms that live, feed, reproduce and interact in the same area or environment. Each individual plant and animal could not exist by itself on planet Earth. All living organisms need millions of other living organisms to survive. How these organisms interact with the sun, soil, water, air and each other in a specific are is called an ecosystem. In the following paragraphs I will be organization that make up an ecosystem and their organizations.