Ayn Rand: A Short Story

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From an early age, Jim was taught to share, and it soon became a habit. Growing up, his sharing problem was limited to small things like toy, but when he entered high school, his problems quickly grew worse. Jim’s friends started seeing him commit random acts of kindness. One of his friends, John, said he saw Jim slipping a large check into an orphanage donation box. Another, Tom, swore he saw Jim sharing his lunch with a homeless man. All of Jim’s friends agreed that this destructive behavior must be stopped, so they turned to his best friend Paul for a so for a solution. Paul knew what he had to do.
The next day, Jim came in late to school. When he saw Paul, he mumbled a greeting. Jim started to walk past Paul, but he stopped him. “I know …show more content…

The woman nodded, then spoke.
“Your friends told me you needed help. I cannot fix your problem, but I help your realize what your heart already knows.”
At this point, Jim’s confusion turned to annoyance. “What’s so wrong with sharing?” he asked. “I’m not hurting anybody. In fact, I’m helping people do the things they can’t do themselves.”
“That’s where you are wrong,” Ayn Rand responded. “Sharing can cause a horrifying chain reaction. Once you start sharing, others will follow in your example. If enough people starts sharing, it could become the norm. Eventually, sharing could be viewed as common …show more content…

“That seems like the kind of world I’d want my children to live in.”
“When something becomes considered common decency,” she responded, “ There is a push to make it into a law. If this push succeeds, there are no bounds to the possible damage sharing could cause to American values. Soon people will be required to share their ideas, their money, or even their food. Knowing this, people will lose the will to create. Progress and innovation will come to a standstill. Everyone will be equal, but nothing will ever change.”
Jim was still unconvinced, but Ayn Rand still had one final trick up her sleeve. She grabbed Jim’s arm, and told him, “This whole dream would probably be more convincing if I show you the disastrous future your sharing could cause.” Suddenly images of the future started flashing through Jim’s head. First, he saw an image of government officials going through his files, taking away his ideas. Next, he saw image of him on his deathbed, forced to share his final meal with a man who had passed out on the street. In the final and most horrifying image, he saw the reading of his will. His kids were signing of their inheritance. While he was seeing all of this, a strangely foreign fear grasped his mind. It felt like the source was his arm, but he wasn’t able to think clearly enough to wonder why. As the dream started fading, he started screaming. He woke up in a cold

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