Health is one of the key things that every individual in the world must take care of to live a happy and longer life. The Australian government and the world in general have taken different initiatives to improve the health status of the people. A healthy population is crucial in economic growth. In Australia, there have been many health initiatives that have been created. The discussion in this case will be on health initiatives that have been brought up to help improve the health status in Australia. The paper discusses the three recent initiatives that have been created in the health sector. Health sector institutions in Australia came together and formed these initiatives to improve the live status and help the people affected in the health …show more content…
It shows that in every five pregnant women, one has depression in the earlier weeks or months after giving birth. If these cases are left untreated they will cause an impact on the mothers, their families, babies and the friends. The problems that follow include destroying of the relationships and other difficulties in children bonding with their parents. Since most women with the same problems are not identified, there is no enough support that is given to them. These pose a big threat that bigger problems might incur later and affect the lives of children and their mothers. The Australian government learned of the problems and spearheaded in creating the national perinatal depression initiative. The ministry of health’s advisory council in Australia resolved to combine efforts with the government to combat the issue of depression in women. Developing the national perinatal depression initiative was for the essence of improving prevention and methods of detecting antenatal and the postnatal depression. These are to provide better care, treatment and support of expectant mothers who are experiencing the perinatal …show more content…
The beyond blue called as the national initiative has the roles that they are mandated to since they provide the best practice evidence and the center of excellence on the depression. They do it through the research activities that enhance the knowledge of the perinatal depression. The initiative also provides advice and informs all the governments on best practices of the depression. They advice according to the relation to the particular population groups, their diverse communities and the Torres and Aboriginal strait islander communities. They will also develop the materials to support the professional practice example the national perinatal depression on screening guidelines and the training materials. Finally, the initiative will make the community be aware and promote the behavior of help-seeking in the perinatal
...nts of Health and the Prevention of Health Inequities. Retrieved 2014, from Australian Medical Association:
After giving birth, women will have hormonal oscillations (Rosequist). In the meanwhile, their bodies are getting back to their normal state, however if that “blues” does not go away, it can evolve in a deep depression. As she recalls, saying: “And yet I cannot be with him, it make me so nervous”(Gilman), it is obvious that Post-Partum depression is the cause of her poor attachment with the child; the mother can be hazardous to the baby; mood swing occur, and in extremes circumstances, about 1 in 1,000, it can bring psychotic indications (Hilts). If this condition if left untreated, it can cause serious psychological and physical damages. Treatment would include anti-depressants and therapy. This can also trigger other types of mental
Pregnancies are often correlated with the assumption that it will bring happiness to the household and ignite feelings of love between the couple. What remains invisible is how the new responsibilities of caring and communicating with the baby affects the mother; and thus, many women experience a temporary clinical depression after giving birth which is called postpartum depression (commonly known as postnatal depression) (Aktaş & Terzioğlu, 2013).
Topic 3: "Outline the social determinants of health in Australia and provide a critical analysis of these determinants. Discuss the current health status comparisons between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians and interventions to remedy these inequalities.”
Australia is one of the healthiest countries in the world. With the remarkable availability of best facilities in the world in
Having a child can be the happiest moment of a person’s life. A sweet little baby usually gives new parents tremendous joy. That joy can be accompanied with anxiety about the baby and the responsibility the new parents are faced with. The anxiety, in most cases, fades and joy is what remains. For some new mothers, however, the joy is replaced with a condition known as postpartum depression. “Postpartum depression is a serious disorder that until recently was not discussed in public…Women did not recognize their symptoms as those of depression, nor did they discuss their thoughts and fears regarding their symptoms” (Wolf, 2010). As such, postpartum depression is now recognized as a disorder harmful to both mother and infant, but, with early detection, is highly treatable with the use of psychotherapy, antidepressants, breastfeeding, and other natural remedies, including exercise.
“Health is the state of complete physical, mental, social and intellectual well-beings not merely an absence of disease”(WHO,1998).Good health is essential in life as people’s career will be affected if they fall ill.. In the developed countries like Australia, People who are not involved in the healthy lifestyle are suffering from a range of health disorders like overweight, high blood pressure, obese, heart diseases, obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, kidney problems, liver disorders and so many. To overcome these health issues Australian government introduced health care system. This essay will firstly, discuss the Australian health care system and secondly, compare Australia with other countries around the world in relation to different consideration on health.
Turrell, G. et al. (2006) Health inequalities in Australia: morbidity, health behaviors, risk factors and health service use. Canberra: Queensland University of Technology and the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2006. Retrieved on March 29th, 2011 from
To reach a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, an individual or group must be able to identify and to realize aspirations, to satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment. Health is, therefore, seen as a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities. Therefore, health promotion is not just the responsibility of the health sector, but goes beyond healthy life-styles to wellbeing. Health promotion goes beyond health care. It puts health on the agenda of policy makers in all sectors and at all levels. It directs policy makers to be aware of the health consequences of their decisions and accept their responsibilities for
...on, race, and political belief, economic or social condition. Improving the poor health of disadvantaged individuals and reducing health gaps is important but not enough to level up health through socioeconomic groups. The objective of tackling health inequalities can be changed to local needs and priorities of a community allowing wide-ranging partnerships of support to be organised. However it needs to be made clear that what can be done to help improve the life chances and health prospects of individuals living in poverty may not come close to bringing their health prospects closer to the average of the rest of the population or prevent the gap living on throughout the generations. Being clear about what is trying to be overcome and achieved needs upmost importance in the development and delivery of policies that will promote health equality across the population.
In an era when the resources for health promotion are limited and the expectations as to what can be achieved are high, sustainability has become a familiar catch-cry (Swerissen & Crisp. 2014.) Health and sustainability are parallel challenges (Cunningham et al. 2010) as the economic, social and environmental characteristics of a sustainable society are the same as those of a healthy society (Griffiths 2006.). The precise definition of sustainability is still subject to debate. It has no single or universally accepted definition. It is not easily captured in a concise definition and means different things to different people or concepts (Auditor General of Victoria 2004). In this case sustainability will be the development aiming to maintain or sustain conditions in order to provide improved long-term economic health and a stable social and cultural quality system to preserve and protect the environment (Gremm et al. 2008). A crucial focus to sustainability includes preserving the environment so that the needs of future generations can also be met indefinitely in the future. Public health programs constitute an important method of improving health and program sustainability (Pluye et al 2004) as partnerships between health organisations and local authority planning departments concerning spacial planning are important to ensure the design of healthy sustainable communities (Griffiths 2006.).
First, in order important to initially assess expectant mothers for both risk factors, such as depression severity and stress frequency during pregnancy, and protective factors, such as degree of optimism. Optimism can be enhanced by equipping clients with more constructive coping strategies to deal with problems linked with their depressive symptoms and to prepare for the arrival of their child. Second, in order to reduce postpartum depression and the frequency of stress, social workers need to help their clients identify these stressors and deal with them effectively. This may involve connecting the new mother to social services that can help diminish sources of
My mother was diagnosed with postpartum depression (PPD), also referred to as postnatal depression. This is a type of clinical depression which can affect women after childbirth. The cause of PPD is not well understood but hormonal changes, genetics, and major life event have been hypothesized as potential causes. Maternal depression has been shown to influence mothers’ interaction with her child, therefore the doctor thought it was necessary for further treatment. Many women recover with treatment such as a support group, counseling, or
In conclusion, health inequality become a major concern in Australia. To tackle the problem through resource allocation, priority group identification and policy implementation. The introduction of monitoring system and research programme would reduce the health inequalities among the whole population.
Catherine Dibenedetto writes an article for new parents and she describes, “Pre-baby anxiety is so common… But when the dread of the “what ifs” starts to become excessive, it may be a sign of something more serious to come” (1). She describes how pregnancy might seem scary but the worry can be harmful as much as not eating healthy or other dangerous habits. Curt Sandman, an author for Association for Psychological Science, describes the connection between a mother’s mental state and the health of the baby: “the babies who did best were those who either had mothers who were healthy both… what slowed the babies’ development was changing conditions—a mother who went from depressed before birth to healthy after or healthy before birth to depressed after” (1). The changing environment can become hostile place in the womb, so he explains that staying consistent mentally, by seeing a psychiatrist, proper medication, or group therapy creates the safest environment.