Australian Army Nurses In World War I

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Conclusions 1
Over 2286 Australian civilian nurses volunteered to serve as army nurses in World War I
Australian army nurses served in hospital wards, trains, hospital ships near battle fields and hospital tents without any floor covering
Australian army nurses were under a constant treat of attack, most worked close to the Western Front, where they were exposed to shelling and aerial bombardment
They constantly heard harsh sounds of gun shots, bombing explosions and screams from their hospital wards
Often, nurses were showered with pieces of flying glass or metal
Australian army nurses endured shocking and excessive workloads and consequent stresses
The places that Australian army nurses worked in were extremely frightening, …show more content…

I think this information is quite reliable as it comes from the website which is a Commemoration Committee of Queensland Incorporated web site. Moreover, this information can be verified with other information I found on other websites. However, this information uses a bit of extreme language so there may be some bias in the source which shows that this source is only fairly reliable.
This research links to the question as it shows that the Australian army nurses endured challenging difficulties and problematic conditions which made their World War 1 experiences strenuous and distressing. 6
Australian army nurses had to be energetic, decisive, hardworking, efficient, quick-thinking and resilient when evaluating difficult situations and determining the best course of …show more content…

Also, that this website is supported by the New South Wales Nurses and Nurses and Midwives association. I don’t think that this research is biased as it shows points of views of the Australian army nurses and soldiers. Furthermore, I verified this information with other information I found on other websites. Hence this information must not be biased and also must be

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