Aurora- Light of Mystery

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Aurora- Light of Mystery

Text Box: This shuttle image shows the characteristic oval shape of the aurora.i

What is aurora?

Auroras, or polar lights, are the luminous phenomenon of the upper

atmosphere occurs in high latitudes of both hemispheres. Auroras in

the northern hemisphere are called aurora borealis and those in the

south hemisphere are called aurora australis. Aurora (Latin for

'dawn') is beautiful and amazing lights which are visible in the dark

sky in the poles. It can appear as many different forms, but usually

it is a greenish quivering glow near the horizon. In 1621 the term

'aurora' was coined by the French astronomer. More and more

observations were done and a concrete description was archived soon

afterwards. Many theories were developed this phenomenon. Some

suggested that it was the reflection of sunlight of artic light and

some believed it was the firelight at the edge of the world; however

both hypotheses are rejected because it was found that aurora was

found 100-400km above the earth surface which is well beyond the

atmosphere. Around the 17th century it has been discovered that it is

caused by the interaction between energetic plasma particles from

outside atmosphere with atoms of higher atmosphere. Till now, not all

the questions about aurora have been answered, but with the escalating

astronautic technology, we have a much better understanding on this

puzzling phenomenon.

How does aurora form?

At every moment the sun is giving out charged particles in solar wind.

Some of these particles are captured by the earth magnetic field and

the bombardment of the solar wind with the atmospheric particles...

... middle of paper ...


The Exploration of the Earth's Magnetosphere.

Learning about Aurora.

Applied physics laboratory site.

NASA website.

Web Exhibits site.

Britannica Online.


Evaluation on resource:

My source information comes from books, journals and internet. The

information about most topics is quite consistent except the formation

of voltage drop in the aurora acceleration region. There are many

theories explaining the phenomenon, but I only concentrated on the two

main ones.

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