Exploring Attachment and Temperament Theories: The Cultural Impact

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During this week’s readings in the Handbook of Attachment, chapter 10 discussed the similarities and differences between attachment theory and temperament theory. The distinguishing difference is attachment is a basic human need for a close and intimate relationships between infants and their caregivers and how these relationships play a key role in overall development. Whereas, temperament theory addresses the individual differences in action styles, reactivity and regulation. These temperament dimensions are the core aspects of personality and are the results of dealings with the social environment not interactions and relationships developed with others. Knowing the differences between the two, I wanted to know how does culture effect temperament and attachment. Introduction It is our earliest interactions and connections that become a significant part of our lives, and that the internal working models that guide us through future relationships. Establishing attachment with caregivers is essential to …show more content…

What I took away from it is that attachment theory is the gradual gathering of the attachment relationship between a child and their caregiver over the first few years of their life- can will set the tone for the rest of their life. Whereas, temperament involves adaptions to reactivity or changes in stimulation and self-regulation- how one responds to various environmental demands. Temperament is determined by set points with in every child and are different from child to child. When you add culture to attachment and temperament, you can see the influence that it can play on the various outcomes of the child’s development of social-emotional skills, brain development, self-regulation skills, empathy development, and overall effect on general development as

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