Attachment Parenting versus Cry It Out Method

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Parenting has many different approaches for various tasks. One of the most difficult tasks for most parents is bed time. What do you do when it is far past bedtime and your little one is reluctant to go to sleep? Do you put them in their room, walk away and check on them periodically? Do you snuggle them to dream land? Both techniques have their pros and cons. The checking on them periodically, otherwise know as the cry it out method, coined by Dr. Richard Ferber is the first major method. The second method, the cuddling is known as attachment parenting, developed by Dr. William Sears. Weighing out the pros and cons of both sleep solutions will help you choose which method is best for you and your family.
Both Dr. Richard Ferber and Dr. William Sears have impressive credentials. Richard Ferber, M.D is an associate professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School. His other credentials include board certification in pediatrics and sleep disorders medicine and being the director of the Center for Pediatric Sleep Disorders at Children’s Hospital in Boston. Beginning in 1978, he has been doctoring children with sleep problems. Dr. William Sears is an Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at the University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine. Dr. Sears received his pediatric training at Harvard Medical School’s Children’s Hospital in Boston and The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, where he served as associate ward chief of the newborn nursery and associate professor of pediatrics. Dr. Sears is a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and a fellow of the Royal College of Pediatricians. In addition to all his professional credentials he is a father of eight children and has written over 30 books associated with ...

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... Method: An Evidence-based Guide to "cry It Out" Sleep Training." The Ferber Method: An Evidence-based Guide to "cry It Out" Sleep Training. N.p., 2008-2014. Web. 22 Mar. 2014.
Iannelli, Vincent, M.D. "The Ferber Method - Dr. Ferber's Sleep Book." Pediatrics. N.p., 17 Jan. 2010. Web. 02 Apr. 2014. .
"Maternal Depression Can Undermine the Development of Young Children." Center on the Developing Child. Harvard University, 2009. Web. 04 Apr. 2014.
Valparasio, Elisabeth. "Such A Time As This." Web log post. : Ferber Baby. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2014. .
"What AP Is: 7 Baby B’s." Ask Dr Sears The Trusted Resource for Parents. N.p., 2014. Web. 04 Apr. 2014. .

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