Atomic Bomb Persuasive Speech

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The US and the world You hear sirens going off you suspect they are just a test for the upcoming weather.Then suddenly you look out your window at 12 pm and its bright as day.You think back to your vote on ending overseas military operations and the nuclear epidemic that has been going on.Sadly this is a possible reality with the power of the atomic bomb.Therefore we should not end overseas military operations because they keep us safe from foreign attacks,neutralize nuclear threats, and establish peace and democracy in the world. First of all oversea military bases prevents foreign attacks and keep harm at bay.Attacks such as 9/11 is a must and should never happen again.Iraq, for instance had Saddam Hussein, which ¨Bush argued that Saddam …show more content…

Regional security means economic viability. The economies of the 27 member states of the European Union, along with the U.S. economy, account for approximately half of the global economy. A relevant and strong NATO is also in America’s interest. U.S. forces play a major role the capacity building of key European …show more content…

First, these nations actively fight over disputed territory, making a war in which nuclear weapons are used more likely. Second, unlike other nations that possess nuclear weapons, India and Pakistan seem ignorant of the devastation such weapons can cause. Last, Pakistanis and Indians are especially fearless people, believing that divine forces protect them¨.( Helen Cothran)But pakistan and India aren't that only ones ignorant to nuclear weapons,we are as well.¨Nuclear ignorance is the norm, extending even to the educated. When asked, some students at the university in Islamabad where I teach said that a nuclear war would be the end of the world. Others thought nukes were just bigger bombs. Many said it was the army's concern, not theirs. Almost none knew about the possibility of a nuclear firestorm, residual radioactivity, or damage to the gene pool¨.(Helen Cothran)This is similar to the US fighting a war in the middle east while most of us aren't too concerned with or informed on the matter.Therefore hese military operations keep us safe from the dangers we may not even be concerned with in the middle east and other dangerous countries.¨The commonly held belief that U.S. forces are in Europe to protect European

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