Atlantic Cod Research Paper

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The relation between the decline in population size of seagrass and the Atlantic cod
Atlantic cod has played and continues to play an important role in human society; however, the species’ survival is dependent upon the maintenance of seagrass. A main issue related to the massive decline in this species is attributed to the disappearance of large areas of Zostera marina (Z. marina) seagrass (30 000 km2 in twenty years). The meadow provides an abundance of nutrients annually and contributes many liters of oxygen daily; the area can even take in ten times the amount of carbon dioxide as a section of Amazon rainforest of equivalent size. When in great abundance, the seagrass can shelter 80 000 fish and 100 million invertebrates. Being located in coastal seas this is a great resource for marine life, however the area is extremely vulnerable to issues such as boating activity, climate change, coastal development, huge weather events and poor water quality. This affects the Atlantic cod population because juveniles select seagrass meadows as nurseries. This …show more content…

This study confirmed that seagrass meadows contain more juvenile cod than any other habitat. The fish living in the seagrass have increased viability for a long-term period because protection provided by the meadows increases the possibility of reaching maturity and helps speed the growth rate. Due to the decline in seagrass meadows, this species has suffered a catastrophic decline and in order to feed the expected human population in 2050, their population is required to increase 50% its current size. Research was conducted on the past of Atlantic cod and its nursery habitat preferences. The data collected confirmed that these meadows are valuable habitats for juvenile cod nurseries and the maintenance of seagrass is vital in the contribution to Atlantic cod

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