Athletic Training Research Paper

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The Evolving Landscape of Athletic Training: Challenges and Opportunities Athletic training is a field that has drastically changed in the past 10 years, driven by advancements in technology, healthcare practices, and sports sciences. As I have conducted my research, I have found there are several current trends and changes that are shaping the trajectory of athletic training. Athletic trainers must continue to address the changing field and adapt quickly to not only the opportunities they are given, but also the challenges they face. The ultimate goal of athletic training is to provide rehab for injuries, and prevent injuries to athletes. My dream is to become an athletic trainer for some sort of professional sports team, conducting this research …show more content…

According to the research conducted by Schnieder, new athletic trainers face a lot of challenges in transitioning into a clinical setting. Professional programs should focus on providing expectations for students in the professional setting. Moreover, advancements in technology have revolutionized athletic training, offering new tools to enhance performance monitoring, rehabilitation, and injury prevention. Fitness trackers like Fitbits and Apple Watches have completely changed the game in athletic training, making it easier to track athletes' performance and what they can and cannot do. This enables trainers to customize plans for the athletes, and it also helps detect potential injury (Huggins et al., 2020). Also, virtual and augmented reality platforms have become very prevalent in the training industry. This creates more personalized opportunities for athletes to train without over exerting themselves (Streicher et al., 2021). Interdisciplinary action within athletic training and healthcare teams has become extremely common in recent …show more content…

The workload in a collegiate setting can be overbearing at times and there is a lack of autonomy over the work schedule provided (Easton et al., 2018). In particular, head athletic trainers may experience work-life imbalance due to the extreme expectations of athletes and coaches for medical care during off-season training. Many trainers use strategies like prioritizing personal time, taking time away from work, and reducing additional responsibilities that might mitigate work-life imbalance. With the globalization of sports and the increasing diversity of athletes’ backgrounds, athletic trainers are faced with the challenge of adapting to cultural differences and sensitivities. Athletes from different cultures and backgrounds have unique life experiences, views, religion and values, this being said, trainers have to learn about their patients and adapt to the differences. Trainers must be aware of these cultural nuances and adapt to their community styles, treatment, approaches, and interventions accordingly to ensure all their patients are

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