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Introduction to assistive technology
Introduction to assistive technology
Importance of multimodal literacy
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Assistive technology (AT) is any device, piece of equipment or system that helps a person with a disability work around his challenges so he can learn, communicate or simply function better. Though the word “technology,” is used many AT tools are low-tech. AT tools range from simple adaptive tools like highlighters and organizers to high-tech tools like text-to-speech software for those with sight challenging concerns.(Ref: Assistive Technology: What It Is and How It Works By The Understood Team) There are many kinds of AT tools that help kids with learning and attention issues. These tools can help them work around their challenges enhancing their strengths. This helps them become more successful, productive students. At the same time, their confidence and independence can grow. The variety of available AT tools has grown rapidly in recent years. …show more content…
It can read certain types of files and web pages aloud. Text readers also highlight words as they’re read, so the child can follow along. This combination of seeing and hearing to learn is called multimodal reading. POET: This tool, created by the Benetech Diagram Center, creates image descriptions for DAISY (Digital Accessible Information System) books. Once the user uploads and creates a description, it’s available for the next reader who downloads the DAISY file. How Text-to-Speech Can Help Users with Reading Issues Using digital text with text-to-speech functionality can make the process easier for young readers. Researchers have found that the combination of seeing and hearing the text when reading improves word recognition which increases the child’s ability to pay attention and remember information. It also allows kids to focus on comprehension instead of sounding out words increasing the reader’s staying power for assignments and helps them recognize and fix errors in their own
In this paper I will discuss two different case studies. The first case study involves a 35-month old girl named Kim who struggles with meal time, potty training, and play time with others. I will discuss four assistive technology devices, that would work for Kim. These devices will assist Kim with balance, mobility and undressing. The second case study involves a school age child name Billy, who struggles with benchmark objectives. Billy is in the fourth grade and use Assistive technology devices reading and math. I will discuss different AT devices that can be used to assist Billy with reading and math.
The Early Literacy Skills Builder is for elementary-aged students with moderate and severe cognitive disabilities who have not acquired print and phonemic awareness. In the Early Literacy Skills Builder (ELSB) all responses have been developed for either verbal responding or nonverbal responding. Nonverbal students may use assistive technology, pointing, or eye gazing to make target responses. Guidelines are offered for promoting active student participation in reading (e.g., saying a repeated story line) and understanding the story. Students who complete the ELSB are ready for instruction in a beginning reading
Student, environment, task, and assistive technology tools (SETT) consist of several questions that serve as a guide for collecting data and making important assistive technology decisions” (Barbara, n.d.). The purpose of these questions is for the IEP team to “consider the student’s needs and abilities, develop a system of tools that address the student’s needs, and connect the AT assessment with the proposed intervention.” (Marino, 2006, p. 21). When asking these questions it’s important to focus on all aspects of “SETT”: the student, the environment, the task, and the devices being used. The ultimate goal is to have a balance between all four areas (Marino, 2006).
There are many “tools” that could be considered for a student who has trouble listening and understanding instructions. Sometimes, just an adjustment of where the child sits fixes the problem or eliminates the barrier. Other times, assistive technology is needed. Today, the options for assistive technology are endless. In Samanthas case there were many options of assistive technology I could provide her with to help her be successful in the classroom.
This activity suits the child’s current stage of oral development will interest them and aid in them progressing in their oral development. Children at this stage of development enjoy listening to stories which is good not only for their receptive skills, but also for their expressive language (Fellows and Oakley, 2014), in all four key components of spoken language. It helps with phonemes by getting the child to focus on the phonological patterns throughout the text (Fellows and Oakley, 214). Syntax knowledge allows them to observe the sentence structure and grammar in the book which allows them to develop a stronger awareness of the syntax. Visual aids in storybooks can aid in the child in the understanding of semantics (Fellows and Oakley’s), as the story is read aloud their receptive skills hear those more difficult words, when paired with a visual cue such as a picture in the book the child understands better and thus they are able to gain a better understanding of how to speak these difficult words. A better understanding of pragmatics can also be gained from storybooks as they understand how people communicate in society such as greetings and asking for things (Fellows and Oakley,
Learning disabilities are very common among students in today’s society. Some students have specific needs that must be met in order for them to learn, while other students are not getting the help that they need to succeed in the classroom. Reading disabilities, related to the disability of dyslexia (National Center for Learning Disabilities, 2014), can be met with certain assistive technology that can make learning to read easier for the students. A type of assistive technology that helps reading disabilities is an audio book that allows students to hear the book read to them with the option of following along (Raskind & Stanberry, 2010). Audio books allow the students to focus on the purpose of the book; rather than struggling to read the book and focus on what the book is trying to explain. Since this type of assistive technology reads out loud to the students, it can guide them to learn how to read certain words correctly and how to grasp the concepts of the book easier. A specific type of an audio book source is Audible (Raskind & Stanberry, 2010), which allows the user to download and auto book on to a “smartphone, tablet, or desktop” (Audible Inc., 2014, p. 1). This source benefits students because they can listen to book in a classroom setting or they can listen to the book at home, especially when writing a book report.
Assistive technology is often used by individuals with a learning disability. A learning disability “describes a neurobiological disorder in which a person’s brain works or is structured differently” (Lee1). A person’s abilities can be severely affected from a learning disability. They may listen differently, talk differently, write, spell, organize, and work with school subjects in a different way. Learning disabilities also affect people’s individual and personal lives to a great extent. According to the National Institutes of Health, one in seven children has a learning disability. The disability manifests itself when the child shows difficulty in reading, writing, spelling, and conversing with others. The added time they need to process information may make them seem less intelligent then others around them, but this is not the case. Individuals with learning disabilities are just as smart as anyone else; they just need to learn in a different way. The earlier a learning disability is noticed and detected, the earlier a child may be able to learn how to deal with or compensate for it (Lee 1). This is where assistive technology comes into play.
Several assistive listening devices can improve the communication ability of deaf children. According to IDEA, every child with a disability is entitled to have access to assistive technology (California Department of Education, 2004). The California Department of Education (2004) outlines IDEA’s definition of an assistive technology device. It explains that this device consists of “any item, piece of equipment or product system…that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of a child with a disability” (California Department of Education, 2004, p. 1).
Assistive Technology or “AT” is a term used in this context to describe an item or technique used to make the navigation of a home, school or play environment more accessible for a child with special needs (Lowenthal & Egan, 2003). This paper is written to explore some of the assistive technology (AT) options available to serve two children with special needs in separate circumstances. Low, mid and high tech options will be addressed with regards to the specific needs and intentions of the parents and teachers in each child’s life. Attached is a table offering options for assistive technology in the classroom to support the educational goals of each child.The first case study addressed in this paper is Savannah, a three-year old student who is wheelchair bound. She has a seizure disorder and has been diagnosed with spastic cerebral palsy. She has limited vision but seems to be able to recognize items presented to her such as shapes and colors. Savannah participates in “social” language. She loves music and cause/effect activities. She knows all of her colors and shapes, is able to recite the alphabet by rote. In written word, Savannah recognizes both her name and those of her classmates. Savannah’s parents have expressed a desire to have her placed in a more restrictive classroom, and her teacher is interested in working more to support Savannah in the areas of writing and organizational skills. Some assistive technology suggestions for use in supporting Savannah are discussed below. Because Savannah’s teacher is working on encouraging Savannah in the area of writing, assistive technology options to support this area of development will be discussed herein. A low-tech ...
Text Help (2008) Research Summary Supporting the Use of Read&Write/Read&Write GOLD, Technology for Learning Disabilities Project, available at http://www.texthelp.com/media/39345/US%20RWG%20Research%20Summary.pdf (accessed 30/12/13)
Technology is the way which extends humans ability. It is very difficult to obtain a precise definition of technology. It is generally accepted that "technology" is more than just a collection of physical products of science. "Technology" is the link between society and its tools.
... CLD info sheets: assistive technology. Council for Learning Disabilities. Retrieved on April 24, 2005, from http://www.cldinternational.org/c/@CS_yKIo7l8ozY/Pages/assistive.html
Assistive technology plays an important role in the learning process for individuals with disabilities. Assistive technology is defined as "any item, piece of equipment or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities." (Maushak, Kelley & Blodgett, 2001, p. 419) Assistive technology is very beneficial to individuals that have disabilities. For example, students with mental retardation benefit from extremely organized learning situations because of their limited cognitive abilities. Students who are hearing impaired, blind, or visually impaired may need differentiated pedagogical materials. More emphasis should be placed on visual materials for students with hearing impairments than for other students. Modifying instruction for all students, especially exceptional students, requires strong dependence on media, materials and technology and the right choice of these components to fit particular ends. Moreover, research has indicated that technology not only can be adapted for use with students with disabilities, but when used can enhance students' educational achievement and self-image. (Duhaney & Duhaney, 2000, p. 393) With this knowledge, there have been many new products that have been developed to help individualize programs to fit the criteria for specific disabilities. Through out this paper we will be disusing three different pieces of assistive technologies. We will be looking at Dynawrite, AlphaSmart, and Texthelp and the benefits of each program.
In the K class that I will be using Interactive Read Aloud, I will be specifically instructing those children (6 children - 2 boys, 4 girls - ages 5-7) with literacy skills in letter identification, alphabetic principle and sight word recognition and production. Given their needs (as a group), my instructional goals in reading instruction will include identifying letter names, identifying consonant and short vowel sounds, and in...
Bowser and Reed [1995] as cited by Bryant et al [1998] argue that as a child progresses through the Education System, their requirements change and this may necessitate a need for different devices. This is not limited to those children with a physical disability but is relevant to all children with SEN as they progress and the Education System places additional burdens upon them. For children with a visual impairment ICT can provide support in various ways; tools to support communication, to improve access to information and as a means of producing learning materials in alternative. There is a wide range of devices and software, which can