Assistive Technology Essay

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Assistive technology (AT) is any device, piece of equipment or system that helps a person with a disability work around his challenges so he can learn, communicate or simply function better. Though the word “technology,” is used many AT tools are low-tech. AT tools range from simple adaptive tools like highlighters and organizers to high-tech tools like text-to-speech software for those with sight challenging concerns.(Ref: Assistive Technology: What It Is and How It Works By The Understood Team) There are many kinds of AT tools that help kids with learning and attention issues. These tools can help them work around their challenges enhancing their strengths. This helps them become more successful, productive students. At the same time, their confidence and independence can grow. The variety of available AT tools has grown rapidly in recent years. …show more content…

It can read certain types of files and web pages aloud. Text readers also highlight words as they’re read, so the child can follow along. This combination of seeing and hearing to learn is called multimodal reading. POET: This tool, created by the Benetech Diagram Center, creates image descriptions for DAISY (Digital Accessible Information System) books. Once the user uploads and creates a description, it’s available for the next reader who downloads the DAISY file. How Text-to-Speech Can Help Users with Reading Issues Using digital text with text-to-speech functionality can make the process easier for young readers. Researchers have found that the combination of seeing and hearing the text when reading improves word recognition which increases the child’s ability to pay attention and remember information. It also allows kids to focus on comprehension instead of sounding out words increasing the reader’s staying power for assignments and helps them recognize and fix errors in their own

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