Assignment 2: Creating A FAQ For A Website

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Assignment 2: "Creating an FAQ for a Website"
Kevin Simpson
Strayer University
Technical Communications
Professor Anna C. Morrison
November 4, 2016 Assignment 2: "Creating an FAQ for a Website"
The attached FAQ sheet is intended for prospective graduates of Strayer University desiring to attend the college’s commencement ceremony. While the process for commencement isn’t difficult there are a host of requirements and considerations that are necessary in order for you to be recognized as a graduate of Strayer University. What you need to do and when you need to do it is a key part of this process. This FAQ will bridge the gap between what you should know and what you need to do by addressing the most common graduation related questions. …show more content…

All students who register before the posted deadlines who are in good academic and financial standing are included in the commencement ceremony program. The commencement program is only available at the commencement ceremony and is for registered students who are participating in the ceremony and their guests.
Is there a commencement ceremony rehearsal?
No, there is no commencement ceremony rehearsal. Processional instructions will be communicated to all graduates via email and postal mail one week prior to the ceremony in the Graduating Student Newsletter.
What time should graduates’ and guests arrive for the ceremony?
Graduates should arrive 40 minutes prior to the ceremony start time.


Commencement registration questions. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Graduation & commencement. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Smith-Worthington, D., & Jefferson, S. (2011, 2007). Technical writing for success (3rd ed.). Retrieved from

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