Assignment 2

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The role of an educational leader is one that is not easily defined. Each administrator has a belief in what his or her job entails. The vision of what educational leadership involves depends on several factors such as the nature of leadership, the relationship between the leader and the followers and the impact he or she has on student learning, school goals and the community. Through scholarly articles, educational leadership pertaining to curriculum and instruction is outlined.
John Dewey best describes the nature of leadership in his two articles “Toward Administrative Statesmanship” and “Democracy and Educational Administration.” He explains the three phases or jobs of educational administration: the educational enterprise phase, the personal relations phase and the paperwork phase. Dewey explains how most administrators mainly absorb them the third phase and he reminds readers “an administrator can deal effectively with these various problems only as he is able to unify them all in some comprehensive idea and plan” (Dewey p.346). The three phases must coexist and balanced, similarly to our three branches of government. This statement leads into Dewey’s rationalization that educational leadership is comparable to democracy. He even goes on to say “no man or limited set of men is wise enough or good enough to rule others without their consent” (Dewey p. 218). An educational leader knows that though he leads, it is the job of the followers that make an organization work. Tyler even further accepts this fact in his article. He justifies that though an administrator is a leader it “does not mean that he knows everything about instruction or even that he knows more about the curriculum and instructional process than anyone els...

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...cial intellectual responsibilities,” so even if an administrator seems like his or her only job is to do paperwork and worry about “administrative stuff” Dewey is clearing up that every administrator has a duty to behavior and intellect of student no matter what job position (Dewey p.345). Dewey also claims that they way administrators run school eventually trickle down to students indirectly; they way principals are treated are passed down to teachers and then it is passed down to the student.
Educational leadership is a task that entails many things. As an educational leader, he or she must have knowledge about everything that has to do with their school and/or district. An educational leader should realize that education is what shapes the citizens and in the long run our society; therefore, how a school is run and what kind of leader runs it is very crucial.

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