Asian American Parenting Style

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The existing studies and writings regarding the primary positions above explain and confirm the research question. The investigation broke down the degree to which the commonly used Asian American parenting style, referred to as authoritarian. The majority of the studies investigated also confirmed that this parenting style produces adverse effects. These studies suggested that a more authoritative parenting design would allow children to prosper academically as opposed to the authoritarian parenting design. Despite these studies showing that Asian American parenting styles has certain effects, it appears that more research should be conducted to completely see the connection between the two. Even though this authoritarian parenting style isn’t perceived well by many due to its demandingness, it has been seen that Asian children respond to it positively through GPA and overall success in the school systems. Since there were similar concepts seen in the narrative analysis, …show more content…

As seen in lectures and through the media, Western culture perceives this parenting style as a causer of adverse effects such as lack of responsiveness and feelings of guilt. However, Asian culture sees it as harmless and even as a standard. For this reason, it can be seen that Asian American’s do not refer to their parenting style as authoritarian due to the negative connotation. The preferred view is to see the style as a result of generational training to produce highly successful and responsible kids. Through the research investigated, Asian Americans are generally classified as being authoritarian, but with even more research, it can be seen that they raise their children with this overshadowing control because they deem it essential. So, with even further research, cultural customs should be considered for the reasoning behind using the controlling parenting

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