Asbestosis Research Paper

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Asbestosis is caused by an inhalation of asbestos fibers that become coated by a protein that is high in iron content. The fibers that are formed are considered asbestos bodies (Crowley, 2013). A patient’s sputum can reveal the asbestos bodies that have been inhaled through cotton like fibers, coal dust, and fungal spores depending on a person’s previous environmental exposure (Crowley, 2013). My patient has previously been exposed to asbestos in the past. Symptoms of asbestosis do not appear until much later on in a person’s life after they have been exposed to asbestos fibers (LeMone, Burkey, Bauldoff, & Gubrud, 2015). Many symptoms can relate to a person have a history of asbestosis. Dyspnea, activity intolerance, and crackles heard

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