Arthur Cavanaugh's Use Of Irony

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Have you ever wanted to throw rocks at an old lady? When Roger’s teacher leaves on furlough, his class stumbles upon Ms.Orville, an uncompromising authoritarian who leaves nothing up for negotiation, his classmates sure do. After a week with her, the better part of the class abhorred their substitute, execrating her as inequitable and barbarous. The author uses these events and several techniques to show that people can change you, no matter how long you're with them. The author, Arthur Cavanaugh, uses irony to reinforce the theme. An example of this is when Ms.Wilson tells the class that she will be absent and that they will have a substitute. Knowing this, Roger convinced his father to take him to the park, owing to the fact that in Roger’s mind, that homework would not be collected. After a day with Ms.Orville, however, Roger completed his nightly assignments forthwith after school. Even though Roger expected to enjoy an easy few days with a substitute, he got the most discipline he’s ever experienced. …show more content…

The world needs good citizens”(380). In return, the better part of the students sought retribution, and they razed Ms.Orvilles’ beloved plant to the ground. Notwithstanding Ms.Orvilles’ best intentions, her students went from a docile group engaged in a vapid curriculum, to an assemblage of enraged animals out for

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