All Summer In A Day Literary Elements

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A Literary elements definition “is a constituent of all works of narrative fiction—a necessary feature of verbal storytelling that can be found in any written or spoken narrative.” Two stories “All summer in a day” and “The fun they had” both used literary elements but at the same time differently. This essay is to compare and contrast each of their literary elements. “All summer in a Day” has multiple literary elements. For example, the theme is jealousy because "everyone, let’s put her in a closet before the teacher comes” during the only sunshine for 7 years. This proves that, the theme was jealousy because of the children locking her up because she might go back to earth. Furthermore, the point of view is third person limited according to “all summer in a day” “But Margot remembered. “It’s like a penny," she …show more content…

The author uses literary devices to deepen the readers understanding. According to, “the fun they had” “On the page headed May 17, 2157, she wrote, “Today, Tommy found a real book!” This represents the setting because it states the date, “May 17, 2157” showing its futuristic setting. Equally as important, according to “All summer in a day” “Margie was thinking about how the kids must have loved it in the old days. She was thinking about the fun they had.” This explains, the theme of don’t be ungrateful of what you have because she wishes her schooling could be like the past. In addition, the point of view is third person limited. In other words, the point of view provides a perspective for the reader to see from. Given these points, the books “All summer in a day” and “The fun they had” both use literary elements to support their stories. Both, containing a futuristic setting and a third person limited point of view. While, still having completely different themes and plots. This shows, how stories can be both alike and different at the same

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