Arthur Birling and Sheila Birling in An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley

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Arthur Birling and Sheila Birling in An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley I have chosen to write my essay about Mr.Arthur Birling and Mrs. Sheila Birling. I have chosen these characters because they have different views on the events concerning Eva Smith. Sheila, for instance, felt extremely regretful about the incident involving the sacking of Eva Smith and we can tell this because she says 'And I'm desperately sorry' neither did she show any relief after hearing that the inspector was a hoax. Arthur Birling, however, blamed Eva entirely for getting sacked from his factory and also displayed great relief when hearing that the inspector was a fake, 'This makes a difference, y'know. In fact, it makes all the difference.' After reading the first few pages of 'Inspector Calls' I got the impression that Mr.Birling was a very proud man and also seemed rather arrogant. It seemed he didn't like people to forget that he was a Lord Mayor there two years ago or that he owns a successful business. He appeared very strong minded and enjoyed making speeches. The impression I got of Sheila was that of a spoilt, snobby little girl who didn't seem ready to get married and raise her own family but needed some raising herself. She seemed very possessive and I get this impression after reading some of the directions which say things like 'gaily' and 'possessively'. They both appear very happy with life and look as though they have no troubles. Subsequent to hearing the dreadful news about Eva Smith Sheila acts sorry and wishes she could help her. She also admits that she was jealous of Eva (because she appeared prettier in a particular item of ... ... middle of paper ... ...nspector was a hoax this is obvious because she says 'I remember what he said, how he looked and what he made me feel. Fire and blood and anguish'. Once again Arthur is the complete opposite and expresses happiness and relief straight away by saying, 'by jingo a fake'. He didn't think it mattered anymore. 'This makes a difference you know in fact it makes all the difference'. 'We've been had that's all'. I don't think Arthur has changed in the slightest from the beginning of the play and is still the same arrogant, selfish businessman he was before. As for Sheila I think she changed a lot during the play and started as a spoilt snobby little girl but finished as a matured, kind woman. In a way they can represent today's community. They can also represent social and moral responsibility with in the community we live.`

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