Art Therapy Disadvantages

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Within non-directive and directive routes, there are many different methods involved in art therapy. Painting is the most popular method that is used for art therapy. The Counseling Directory explains, “Putting paint on paper is one of the purest forms of art and allows you an immense amount of freedom” (Art Therapy). Painting gives patients freedom even though a blank canvas can be frightening at first (Art Therapy). Using a media such as paint gives children the ability to use a wide variety of colors to express their emotions. When painting is used as a form of treatment in art therapy, the therapists do not leave their patients empty handed. Art therapists will usually provide a prompt or give children exercises to do as guidance. They …show more content…

One of the biggest disadvantages in art therapy is that it requires time to achieve results and goals. Art therapy also requires an area to work on the artwork. Baker and his colleagues mention in their brochure that art therapy, “Requires an appropriate setting, especially for fluid media” (Art Therapy). Not to mention, art therapy can be expensive. The Art Station informs readers that standard fees are $90 for fifty minutes which is an individual session. Group sessions are $45 for 50 minutes (Healing Through Art). Even though sessions can be costly, The Art Station reassures readers that “financial assistance may be available based on family size and income level with proof of income” (Healing Through Art). Not only are art therapy sessions pricy, the materials required are also bought by the patient. “Materials cost money and must be managed,” Baker lets readers know that materials are not provided for the patient, but are another expense (Art …show more content…

Some children do not understand how art is relevant in their treatment. Others resist doing anything creative. Samuel Gladding states that “one drawback to using the arts is that some individuals resist doing anything that is creative…” (The Expressive Arts in Counseling). Some children may have a fear of artistic expression, which is why Gladding goes on to state, “… they fear artistic expression is only for the very disturbed” (The Expressive Arts in Counseling). Another limitation of art therapy is that some unskilled councilors misuse the arts in therapeutic practices. The third limitation of art therapy is that some patients might already have insight to the arts. Gladding mentions, “A limitation of using the arts is the ineffectiveness of them for persons who work as artists, who are concrete thinkers, or who are mentally disturbed. In such cases, there is resistance and little insight is gained” (The Expressive Arts in Counseling). Although the first fact may not apply to children because they typically do not obtain careers at this point in their lives, they very well may be disturbed or even concrete

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