Art Review

686 Words2 Pages

Review #1: New Generation Detroit

I went to visit this art exhibit on Friday September 7th, the opening night. I had never been to the Meadowbrook Art Gallery so I had no idea what to expect. It was a smaller gallery than I thought it would be, but it didn’t matter when I took a look at the pieces that were on display.
This exhibit was definitely edgy and not really what I’m used to seeing. I could tell that these are new artists that are beginning to start a new trend in today’s modern art world. Each artist had a completely different style than the next. I mostly saw very surreal paintings that intrigued me and made me try to uncover why the artist had put the images together in such a way. Another very key point that sticks out in my mind is the broad use of color. I loved how much this display had! The images came to life for me because of the bright colors that were seen throughout the paintings. Some of them just wouldn’t have worked or been as eye pleasing without color and the right colors.
As I walked around the gallery, I noticed that accompanying most of the artists’ works were their rough sketches that showed the different stages of the work being pieced together. This really showed the viewer just how much went into each piece and the artists’ train of thought as they developed their work.
One of the first artists that I noticed was Matt Gordon. Even though I could barely make heads or tails of half of his work, I couldn’t stop st...

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