Aristotle Courage And Humility

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Two virtues that I believe are important to live a flourish or successful life in Aristotle’s sense is to have courage and humility. An intemperate individual would display too much courage and will behave carelessly. An insensible would display too little courage and appear as a coward (Mosser, 2013, Section 6.1). Humility is a great trait to have to be successful in life. A person must be honest with themselves to know their faults and improve upon them, as well as knowing when to lay pride to the side and accept help and/or constructive criticism.
In order for these virtues to be enabled to fulfill their possessor’s life one “must have a prima facie plausibility with respect to the standard list of virtues” (Hursthouse, R. 1999). According to Aristotle, virtue is a disposition to act the right way, which is learned through practice at a young age. He believes that we all are born with the potential to be morally virtuous, but it is only by our actions in doing the right things that we become virtuous (Aristotle, 1931). …show more content…

This is when one seems as if they are more important than anything other than themselves and has no desire to ask others for help. However, this virtue can be “natural and necessary for self-preservation” (Najar, I. 2012). Humility can also generate social affairs. Humility falls into being honest with one self and they are aware of their strength and weaknesses.
In our main textbook, Aristotle presents a soldier in battle to describe a

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