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Abortion controversy ethical
Is abortion wrong or is it right
Abortion controversy ethical
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Social Ethics Argumentative Paper Many people have often questioned, is abortion is right? If you’re prolife or prochoice then the debate has been happening for years. Prolife believes that a baby has the right to live and that abortion is murder. Prochoice believes that a woman has the right to choose for herself what happens to her body and believes that abortion is a choice. I believe that abortion is always right.
This is the outline for my basic argument that will support my thesis. Premise 1: Abortion is always right. Premise 2: If a woman is raped and is pregnant by her rapist baby. Conclusion: Therefore abortion is always right because no woman should have to suffer the trauma into having her rapist child. The reason this is accurate
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Premise 2: If the woman’s life was in danger by the pregnancy than she has the right to terminate the pregnancy. Conclusion: Therefore, abortion is always right because if the mother’s life is in danger what choice does she have in order to be alive.
Even if the mother wants her child, this is a hard choice because if she does try to carry this pregnancy full term there’s a possibility she and the baby could die and then the family would have to deal with two losses in the family the mother and the unborn child. This scenario could have been prevented if the mother would have terminated the pregnancy by having an abortion.
Premise 1: Abortion is always right. Premise 2: If the child’s life is in danger then it is okay to terminate the pregnancy. Conclusion: Therefore, abortion is always right because if the fetus is suffering from a terminal illness like HIV/AIDS and could die years down the road when he or she is born. Why put the family in such an emotional trauma into losing a child or a loved one? Why watch this suffer from being alive when it is easier to terminate the pregnancy now instead of dealing with the trauma. No person wants to watch their child suffer and knowing they cannot do anything about it when they had a chance to end it by terminating the
Abortion has been the topic of controversy for many decades. Many people believe that when a woman terminates a pregnancy, she is committing murder and others argue that a woman has the right to choose life or abortion. There are different procedures to choose when having an abortion, depending on the gestational age and the woman 's health a pill form abortion may be used up to 9 weeks gestation (mifepristone and misoprostol), but for women who are over 12-weeks gestation (late-term abortion), surgical abortion is used (Berer 25). In 1973, the supreme court ruled that abortion was to be legalized, Roe vs. Wade. Women were given the legal right to choose to terminate their pregnancies and make the correct arrangements for their decisions. Different states have different restrictions to accessing abortion procedures, making the woman 's choice to terminate pregnancy less accessible. Restricting a woman 's access to appropriate abortion clinics limits her right to choose.
...ther’s sovereignty over her body outweigh the right of an unborn child to live. The answers to these questions are very diverse as a result of the diversity of the American society. With the issue of abortion, one’s attitude toward it is going to be based on many things such as religious background and personal morals. There is no black and white answer to the abortion issue. Luckily we live in a country where we are able to decide for ourselves whether something is morally right or wrong. Thus, ultimately, the choice is ours. As with the many other ethical issues which we are faced with in our society, it is hard to come to a concrete answer until we are personally faced with that issue. All we can do is make an effort to know all of the aspects which are involved so that we may be able to make a sound decision if we were faced with this problem in our own lives.
For many years, the morality of abortion has been questioned by two perspectives: pro-choice and pro-life. While modern culture explains that abortion is a woman’s free choice if she does not want the unborn baby, the Catholic Church teaches the world that from the moment of conception there is a child with a soul within the womb, and to abort it would be to murder an innocent being.
How would you feel if someone decided that you should never get a chance at life? That
Giving birth is often looked upon as a miracle of life with remarkable experiences to come. However, others may think this miracle of life will be nothing but problems in their lives. Many females who are not ready for a baby seek abortion as the answer of their problems. Abortion is known to be one of the most debated issues in society. It is best defined as a “medical procedure used to end a pregnancy and cause the death of the fetus” (“Merriam-Webster 's Learner 's Dictionary”). Regardless, if a woman becomes unexpectedly pregnant and is not mentally or financially stable to take care of a baby, abortion is still not the answer. The procedures for abortion is unhealthy for the female, is murder of the fetus, and goes against the 14th Amendment.
Articulate a defense to these ideas. This paragraph seems to focus on the moral argument. Document your claims and claims. The position I am referring to is if a woman is endangered of dying if she has the baby. There are no other reasons women should be able to have an abortion!
Overtime there has been a debate over whether or not the act of aborting a baby should be a legal option. This controversial issue continues to divide America. Many individuals that are pro-choice believe that choosing to have an abortion is a woman’s right that should not be judged by governmental or religious authorities. Many individuals that are pro-life believe that abortion is the immoral killing of an innocent human being. According to opponents, it is unfair to allow abortions when couples who cannot conceive are willing to adopt a child. There are many pro and con arguments over whether abortions should be legal.
Imagine you are the one who has issues, whether it’s drug related or mental instability, and you wind up pregnant; you may realize that you are unable to care for the child that will form inside of you, so you want to do what you think is right: abortion. Abortion is not a bad thing like many people seem to think. I believe that it is a mature decision to make if you know that you cannot care for a child. The argument is made that abortion kills the embryo inside of a woman, which is a human, and goes against a human’s right to live. I do not agree with this, though, because the embryo does not have a brain that can process things yet. An embryo is too small to count as a human in my opinion, so if the mother does not believe that she is not responsible enough for a child then she should be allowed to have an abortion.
Abortion may appear ethical or unethical depending on various viewpoints and circumstances. The fetus is considered a person and bringing it to term may be unethical as the act is considered as murder. In some situations, the mother may require to terminate a pregnancy for her bodily autonomy (Johnston, 2003). In such positions, the resolution to terminate a pregnancy may be argued as the most ethical choice. The mother is also considered to having a reasonable level of ethical responsibility to the fetus, because she did not take enough precaution to ensure avoiding conception (Cline, 2014). The mother’s ethical responsibility to the fetus may not be enough to deprive her choice of abortion; it...
In conclusion, women have the right to have abortions and to not have abortions. They have the right because it’s their body and it’s unfair to deny any woman that right without knowing the circumstances or situation. At the end of the women have to do what’s best for them and that unborn child and if they don’t have the necessary tools and lifestyle for them and the baby. Advocates of abortion believe that abortion is seriously wrong but it’s the women’s the decision not theirs, they have the right.
Abortion Taking out the trash, or taking a human life? That is what most the argument is with abortion, some believe that abortion is okay because the fetus is not yet a person, and that the fetus will be nothing but trouble. On the other side people believe that even all the way down to the zygote (when sperm meets the egg and earliest stage of pregnancy) there is a human growing in you. A growing boy or girl, with their own little fingers, and toes, their own cute as can be toothless smile, and their functioning organs. To them one day that zygote will turn into someone great, a person just like you and I that needs love just as you and I, a person that deserves to not get taken from our world before it even has a chance to take its first breath.
Abortion is removing of an unborn child from its mother?s womb before its birth. As a pro-life advocate, I believe that abortion is morally and ethically wrong and should be stopped. Having an abortion is not the answer and is in fact worsening the problem. Victims can suffer serious consequences either physically or psychologically.
Abortion has been one of the most talked about topics in society just about anywhere from television, magazines, whether or not it should be the right or wrong thing to do. Abortion is a very sensitive issue to discuss, because of its nature. Many people have said that abortion is a very bad thing to do and it should not even be choice whether or not to abort a living fetus. People think that abortion is committing murder as it is killing the human fetus. However, others feel that a woman should have a voice and have the right to choose to keep the child or not and that it is not murder until the baby is born. Majority of individuals who believe that abortion is bad say that the fetus is human who is partly being formed and to have an abortion is considered to be murder. For the people who think an abortion is ok, say that it’s not considered murder unless the child is born. I believe that abortion should be seen in which the stage the fetus is in. if the fetus is in an early stage of pregnancy it is not considered murder, but if the fetus has already began to develop into a larger fetus then it is indeed considered to be murder. There are times when abortion can be accepted, if the mother is having complications due to pregnancy. For example if the mother is enduring complications in her pregnancy that can harm her, because of the child in that case it is ok to perform an abortion to help save the mother’s life. It is also very important to understand this type of situation. The mother has the right to have an abortion and it is her decision because a mother knows best about her health conditions.
Abortions have always been a very controversial topic. Over the years we continue to fight for or against it. One can say that is one of the most talked and argued topic in the United States. An abortion is when a woman terminates her pregnancy before the fetus is viable using various of methods. Some argue that abortions should be illegal and considered murder, while others, from a religious point of view, say that no one has the right to take away the life of a person, in this case the fetus. However, others insist, that abortions are a basic women’s right.
In this position paper I am going to talk about some issues that may not be black and white. My position on this issue is against abortion, and I am going to attempt to show that. Abortion is wrong in many instances. It is wrong anytime except in the case of a dying mother, incest or rape. It is wrong because people choose to have sex. They know the consequences before they had sex.