Cut Certain People Out Of Your Life

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7. Stop Trying To Live Traditionally

You may want a traditional life, and that is fine, but most of us need to get out of the conventional way of living to become a better version of ourselves. In other words, if it doesn 't fit with your authentic self, stop doing what is conventionally 'right '.

Get ready for people to be upset with you, though. Your friends, parents, and peers that are living traditionally will judge you and try to make you feel as though you are not living life in the 'right ' way.

For instance, the decision not to have kids can be very stressful for some people, even if they know that they don 't want kids in this life. People will tell them that they are not normal, contributing to society, or giving them the grandchild, niece, nephew, or godchild that they …show more content…

Cut Certain People Out Of Your Life

Certain people are holding you back from becoming a better you. We are told that we are not supposed to remove people from our lives, but the truth is that doing so may be the only way to get free of their chains and make decisions that are better suited for us.

- Pessimistic people will make your goals seem impossible to reach because they believe that nothing ever works out in this life.

- Low energy people will force you to do nothing towards your goals as you hang around with them because they don 't want to do anything in life.

- Small minded people will beg you to avoid taking risks because their fear is massive when it comes to stepping outside of their comfort zone.

All of these people will affect your choices negatively and lower your energy. If you want to be a better you, your energy needs to be high and in the flow, not low and working against the flow.

9. Keep Things Simple

Don 't overcomplicate your life with too many goals, too many changes, or too many of anything. We often think that we need to approach life in a 'go big or go home ' way, but all that does is muck things up and keep things from working

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