Argumentative Essay: Rikki Tavi

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Argumentative Essay Rikki Tikki Tavi Theme is the central idea we take from the story when reading it. Also, theme can be revealed as a generalization about life or human beings. It can also be the lesson of the story. In the short story, “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi” by Rudyard Kipling, I believe that the theme is good versus evil. I believe this is the theme because there are several instances where good versus evil are displayed. In this story the good represents Rikki and the snakes would be the evil. A similar instance of this scenario is how Batman is good and the Joker is the evil. However, I can see how some readers might think that the theme is courage versus fear. Theme is very crucial in the short story, “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi” by Rudyard Kipling because it’s not just a story about a mongoose and some cobras. There is a lesson to be learned when a theme is presented. …show more content…

The author shows that Rikki, the protagonist, is protective by his dialogue; “The boy is safe and it was I-I-I that caught Nag by the hood last night in the bathroom.” His protectiveness is shown by this quote because Rikki fights Nag for the family that needs help. Also, I know he is courageous because Rikki announced, “Turn round, Nagaina; turn and fight!” This quote shows he is not afraid to stand up and fight for something he believes is right. Finally, I know that Rikki is loyal because in the story, the mother from the family that saved Rikki declared, “I don’t like that, he may bite the child.” “He’ll do no such thing.” the father stated. “Teddy’s safer with that little beast than if he had a bloodhound to watch him.” the father insists. This shows me that Rikki is loyal to this family and will protect them with courage like a dad protecting his

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