Argumentative Essay: Preserving America

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In 1997, PBS documentary defined a new term: Affluenza Americans seems to have an unfulfilled feeling caused by the dogged pursuit of the American dream. To have it all? Although striving to be number one .Satisfying an American is about as difficult as the saying goes “finding a needle in a hay stack” .For a few of those people who have just about anything they could want, including international supremacy, it never seems to be enough. Whether it could be money wise, or simply pride, Americans are always asking for more and more. Americans, although digging into their heart's desires, are never satisfied because they are materialistic, greedy and selfish. All of these attributes are a recipe for a disaster, and the name of the recipe is the United States. This leads to the point that Americans are never satisfied in their lifetime. …show more content…

An American can be stuck in room full old belongings and still has the want for more and more so called being a “hoarder”. Which shows just how materialistic Americans can be. Americans like the feeling of being tall against the rest of the world because they stand on their material possessions. A newly car gets a scratch, the new house starts to age and it is off to be sold for another. It is an instinct Americans to aim for quantity rather than quality. This can be seen clearest from (Source D).Cleary shows how no matter how many things new and old Americans want more. It is the mindset of Americans to want more, and because of it, they can never be

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