Argumentative Essay On Workplace Life Insurance

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Many private and public workplaces offer workplace life insurance. If you are employed at a large corporation or by the federal government, then yo most likely have the option of receiving subsidized or free term life insurance. While this is a useful benefit to your job, it might not always be enough for your family. Depending on your family's needs, you may need something other than workplace life insurance.

What Workplace Life Insurance Plans Are Available?

In general, the workplace life insurance plan offered by your employer is probably going to be a term life insurance policy. This type of policy does not include an investment component. Instead, it just insures you in case you die while the policy is still in force. If you die, your …show more content…

A guaranteed cash value policy is what you need if you want a benefit that pays on your death no matter how old you are when you die. In reality, most people do not need this option. Life insurance is intended to make life easier for your family if you pass away. Once your children have moved out, you only have your spouse to consider. If you do not have any debts and you have a decent portfolio, you might not need any life insurance at all.

If you do have children, you may want a life insurance policy that covers you for just the next 10 to 25 years while they are growing up. Term life insurance is generally the least expensive option, and it works for most of your life insurance needs. If you have a spouse, children or family members who are financially dependent on you, a basic policy from your employer is not enough.

Your workplace life insurance probably covers a death benefit that is lower than what you need. In general, most financial advisors recommend life insurance policies that cover 10 years of your income. If you earn $50,000 a year, you will need a policy with a death benefit of $500,000. If you make $100,000 a year, you would want a death benefit of $1 million. Most of the workplace life insurance plans are not going to cover this

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