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Essay women in the U.S. military
Essay women in the U.S. military
Women in military and warfare intro
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Since the founding of America 239 years ago, the country has been in at war for 222. From the American Revolution, to the World Wars, to the Global War on Terror, and the various other conflicts in-between, the American military has become iconic. The evolution of the United States military is immense and continues to develop. The United States Military is viewed as the most powerful military on the planet with a budget of $601 billion and backed by the manpower of 1.4 million men and women (Bender). The American military is widely viewed as one of the most effective forces on the planet in terms of training, weaponry, engineering, soldiers, and more. One of the most prevalent debates is whether or not there should be limitations placed on females’ roles in the military. As of March 2016, former Secretary of Defense, Ashton Carter, announced all occupations in the military would be opened to …show more content…
women. While this decision has been applauded by some, it has also faced criticism. This research paper will address the topic of women in combat in detail. Women in the Armed Forces who fit the specified physical and mental qualifications of combat roles should be permitted to pursue the position without facing limitations from the government. In 1994, the Pentagon announced a formal restriction barring women from all combat roles including infantry and special forces.
As of 2016, this restriction has been lifted. The 2016 National Defense Authorization Act opens the remaining 10% of jobs to women among all branches. Former Secretary Ashton B. Carter specifically states “As long as they qualify and meet the standards, women will now be able to contribute to our mission in ways they could not before.” Female integration into combat roles falls under seven guidelines. Summarized: Implantation will be pursued forcefully and effectively; jobs are assigned based on ability alone; equal opportunity does not mean equal participation; physical differences between men and women is noted; noted perception that integration could affect combat effectiveness; the performance of the team is paramount; not all of America’s allies share the perspective of an integrated male-female military (Pellerin). The United States Military thrives on recognition and reward being based solely on an individual’s abilities and
qualifications. Marine General Joseph Dunford responded with an internal study highlighting better performance of all male groups versus integrated male-female groups. This controversial study tests shot accuracy, strength, speed, and injuries among all male units versus integrated male-female units. Retired Army Colonel Ellen Haring heavily criticized the report stating “It was a flawed design” and unfairly overlooked the super outlier women in there that consistently preformed at the top level of the top men.” (Bowman) The Marines responded by claiming this
The military is trying to find new ways to recognize the fact that women now fight in the country’s wars. In 2011 the Military Leadership Diversity Commission recommended that the Department of Defense remove all combat restrictions on women. Although many jobs have been opened for women in the military, there is still 7.3 percent of jobs that are closed to them. On February 9, 2012, George Little announced that the Department of Defense would continue to reduce the restrictions that were put on women’s roles. The argument that “women are not physically fit for combat” is the most common and well-researched justification for their exclusion from fighting units. It has been proven if women go through proper training and necessary adaptations, they can complete the same physical tasks as any man. Though there seem to be many reasons from the exclusion of women in the military, the main ones have appeared to be that they do not have the strength to go through combat, would be a distraction to the men, and that they would interrupt male bonding and group
This is because women have proved themselves to be of equal capability as men, and they have already been serving in combat positions alongside men, though not legally. Fortunately, the Pentagon was able to see this and on December 3, 2015 Secretary of Defense Ashton B. Carter announced that they would be officially allowing women to serve in all combat positions in the U.S. armed forces. This change in military policy will allow more representation for women in the armed forces but it also represents a major leap towards gender equality, further closing the gap between men and
Men have always been looked upon as the leading sex. Looking back through history women have been the ones who take care of the home and children, while men are the ones who work and go to war. However in recent years there’s no doubt that women have become much more equal in the work force. Nevertheless men are still the ones who are forced to fight our wars when the time calls for it. Many think that women should be entirely equal to men having their choice to be drafted taken away but the fact is that they are physically at a disadvantage, too emotionally oriented, and the increase of female presence would have a more negative impact in the military in the way of social interactions.
In 1973, women began to grow in numbers in the All-Volunteer Force implemented under President Nixon. “In February 1988, Department of Defense (DoD) codified the Combat Exclusion Policy by adopting the ‘Risk Rule’”, (the DoD Combat Exclusion Policy) pg. 21, 22. The change of the feminine role in the civilian population has forced a review of their presence in the Armed Forces. These roles reviewed after the onset of the Exclusion Law in “1967 when the statutory strengths and grade limitations were lifted” (…GOA, pg 4) as well as in 1978 when positions available to women were expanded (…GOA). In 1992 and 1993 when the “Defense Authorization Acts were implemented, congress revoked the prohibition of women’s assignments to combat aircraft… and in January 1994 the ‘Risk Rule’ was rescinded” (the DoD Combat Exclusion Policy) pg 22. With the 1994 change in the “Risk Rule”, assignments were available for females in all services to participate in all available positions. Exceptions of “assignments to units below the brigade level whose primary mission is direct ground combat” (the DoD Combat Exclusion Policy) pg 22(ibid) were put in place.
Women have shown great courage and sacrifice on and off the battlefield, contributed in unprecedented ways to the military's mission and proven their ability to serve in an expanding number of role... The department's goal in rescinding the rule is to ensure that the mission is met with the best-qualified and most capable people, regardless of gender.
Before World War I, women assisted the military during wartime mainly as nurses and helpers. Some women, however, did become involved in battles. Molly Pitcher, a Revolutionary War water carrier, singlehandedly kept a cannon in action after a artillery crew had been disabled. During the
"Update: Women in the Military." Issues and Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 29 May 2007. Web.
When it comes to combat assignments and the needs of the military, men take precedence over all other considerations, including career prospects of female service members. Female military members have been encouraged to pursue opportunities and career enhancement within the armed forces, which limit them only to the needs and good of the service due to women being not as “similarly situated” as their male counterparts when it comes to strength or aggressiveness, and are not able to handle combat situations.
...s military and they have been for a long time, so why not just make it official that women are allowed to serve in war? Our president influences the decision of women in war. He made the statement “Today every American can be proud that our military will grow even stronger, with our mothers, wives, sisters and daughters playing a greater role in protecting this country we love." The meaning of this is women play very important roles in the military, and they are the reason our military is growing stronger. The pentagon will lift the1994 ban officially in 2016. They are giving it three more years because it takes time for final decisions to be made, although little decision have been made since 1994 and the ban is getting lifted more and more each year. Soon women will officially be allowed to serve in the military, and have thousands of front line jobs open to them.
There are two main reasons for the lack of females involved in the higher ranks of the U.S. military. (1)- Women are not allowed to participate in combat, which is most often how a promotion is achieved. The reasoning behind this problem is feelings and beliefs about gender integration would harm how effective a combat unit would be. (2)- There is a much higher turnover rate with women than there is with their male colleagues. Women are not as likely to remain in service as long as men and are less likely to view the military as a permanent or long-term career which will affect their chances at a promotion. (Sagalyn, 2011).
Since the creation of the Selective Service Act of 1917, the role of a woman has evolved from the common role of a housewife, teacher or nurse. Now women have access to and are equally able to join many different career fields that were once gender based. The case Rostker v Goldberg 1981 debated whether or not women should be excluded from the Selective Service Act. Congress came to determine that “since women are excluded from combat roles in the Armed Forces, then they are not similarly situated for the purpose of the draft (Rostker, 1981)”. According to the Army Times in 2012, “The Army will start placing women in as many as 14,000 combat related jobs (Tan, 2012)”. So now, women are able to pursue combative careers in the military.
The U.S Army is the strongest most respected and feared ground force in the world. It is also the oldest branch of the military and also the largest U.S. Military Service. There are approximately 76,000 officers and 401,000 enlisted members in the active duty Army. The success of the Army lives and dies on themselves and others. The army protects all that the constitution stands for. And each soldier defends this to their last breath with Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Honor, and Personal Courage. The Army has a mission to protect and defend its nation. ( “Overcoming Challenges” np)
Military wives are perceived as stay at home moms that sit at home all day and take care of the kids. My views on the wives of soldiers is that they are pretty much single parents while their husbands are deployed. The wives are expected to keep the house up and running by doing the housework, cooking, cleaning and caring for the children. People on the outside looking in may think that all of the wives are unemployed and living off of their husbands. The wives are forced to deal with all the duties that, are they are supposed to share as a couple. In situations like this the wife may feel extremely overwhelmed, but the additional workload along with the work that she was doing before their husband was deployed. The conduction
The story of America’s military woman can be traced to the birth of our nation. During the American Revolutionary War, the 18th and 19th centuries, where women served informally as nurses, seamstresses, cooks, and even as spies and were subject to Army’s rules of Conduct. Though not in uniform, these women shared soldier’s hardships including inadequate housing and little compensation. Women have formally been part of the U.S Armed Forces since the Inception of the Army Nurse Corps in 1901. In 1973 the transition to the All-Volunteer Force marked a dramatic increase in the opportunities available for women to serve in the military. As of September 30, 2009, the total number of active duty women in the U.S was 203, 375, and women made up 14.3 percent of the U.s armed forces (Robinson). Women are a crucial role in c...
Should women be allowed in the military? My answer was at first a resounding “no.” However, once I started my research, my opinion changed. In 1948, Congress passed the combat exclusion law that prohibited women in the Air Force, Marines, and Navy to hold combat positions; however, the Army can assign these duties as they see fit (Schroeder). Some people assume that Americans are not ready to see a woman wounded or killed in war; however, there are female police officers that are wounded or killed daily (Schroeder). How can we rationalize that a woman has the right to die protecting our local communities but not our country? If a person chooses to be in a combat field, and can pass the physical demands required, gender should not be an issue. The arguments of physical differences and cohesion among the troops are valid arguments but not substantial enough to prevent women from serving in frontline combat roles within the military.