Argumentative Essay On Women In The Military

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Since the founding of America 239 years ago, the country has been in at war for 222. From the American Revolution, to the World Wars, to the Global War on Terror, and the various other conflicts in-between, the American military has become iconic. The evolution of the United States military is immense and continues to develop. The United States Military is viewed as the most powerful military on the planet with a budget of $601 billion and backed by the manpower of 1.4 million men and women (Bender). The American military is widely viewed as one of the most effective forces on the planet in terms of training, weaponry, engineering, soldiers, and more. One of the most prevalent debates is whether or not there should be limitations placed on females’ roles in the military. As of March 2016, former Secretary of Defense, Ashton Carter, announced all occupations in the military would be opened to …show more content…

As of 2016, this restriction has been lifted. The 2016 National Defense Authorization Act opens the remaining 10% of jobs to women among all branches. Former Secretary Ashton B. Carter specifically states “As long as they qualify and meet the standards, women will now be able to contribute to our mission in ways they could not before.” Female integration into combat roles falls under seven guidelines. Summarized: Implantation will be pursued forcefully and effectively; jobs are assigned based on ability alone; equal opportunity does not mean equal participation; physical differences between men and women is noted; noted perception that integration could affect combat effectiveness; the performance of the team is paramount; not all of America’s allies share the perspective of an integrated male-female military (Pellerin). The United States Military thrives on recognition and reward being based solely on an individual’s abilities and

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