Argumentative Essay On Vaccines

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Vaccines have become more important in the recent years due to the fact there are newer and more dangerous sicknesses. There are new vaccines made every single day to keep up with the rapid growth of new diseases. When vaccines first came out there were a lot questions concerning whether they were safe or not. Many people refused to get vaccines due to the fact that they did not believe the vaccines were helping, but was making things worse. Although, vaccines were developed to help save people’s lives and protect them from many foreign diseases. The need for vaccines grew a great deal in several years due to the fact that doctors did not want young kids and babies to get sick since they were more likely to die from a disease than adults (NIAID). …show more content…

There are some parents, however; that choose to vaccinate their kids because they do not want them to develop life risking diseases as a result of them not getting vaccinated. Being vaccinated is very important in a very populated community due to the fact that if most of the community is vaccinated then there is a smaller chance of that community to get sick. In this article, the smallpox vaccine was changed because people did not trust and did not feel like it was very safe. Edward Jenner came up with a new vaccine where they took a lymph from the cowpox disease and insert it into a human. The new vaccine was not much better due to the fact that the vaccine was given to a person than a week later the lymph from the blister that formed on the skin was inserted into another person. Many people were against it because they believed it was unchristian like because it came from an animal, that it reflected their general distrust in medicine, and that it violated their personal liberty …show more content…

The symptoms are sometimes linked with the ingredients used in the vaccine that make the symptoms of autism react. Most of the scientists found that there is an ingredient in most vaccines, called thimerosal, that causes the child to have too much mercury in their body which could cause them to show symptoms of autism. Some people worry the federal government may mandate widespread vaccinations in the face of an epidemic, but it does not currently have the power to do so.
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Vaccine Education Center seeks to provide information about vaccines and the diseases they prevent to parents and healthcare professionals.
Although no vaccine is completely harmless, vaccines do protect people from the real danger of disease. The vaccines against hepatitis B, pertussis, pneumococcal disease, and rotavirus all have the possibility of certain side effects, but the harms of disease prevented by the vaccines outweigh the risk of any adverse effects. There are systems in place to protect against side effects and vaccines are only given to children after a long approval process (“The

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