Argumentative Essay On Sleep Walking

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Phoenix Beal
Mrs. Coach Hoffman
28 November, 2016
Sleep Walking Sleep talking affects 50% of all young children. That means your child will have a 50/50 chance of sleep talking. Sleepwalking affects around 8.4 million people. Everybody has the chance for this to happen to them. Symptoms are very unusual. There are many forms of treatment. Sleep talking, or somniloquy, is communicating through your sleep and having no idea that you are doing it. It is an isolated action that is completely normal. Sufferers should not be worries ad scientist have concluded that it is not considered a medical condition, but rather a random action occurring in the body.

The late-night diatribes may be exceptionally eloquent, or the words may be mumbled and hard to decipher. Sleep talking may involve simple sounds or long, involved speeches. Sleep talkers usually seem to be talking to themselves. But sometimes, they appear to carry on conversations with others. They may whisper, or they might shout. You might think that …show more content…

A family that consisted of 22 family members was examined in an experiment to see whether or not it is hereditary. 9 family members experienced sleepwalking. People are even to have reported broken toes from when they have stumbled. Researchers have come to an agreement that the problem most likely is happening on chromosome 20. If they can find what causes this to happen, they believe that they can cure it.

There are a couple of stories that include sleepwalking. A Canadian man by the name of Kenneth Parks was a sufferer. Kenneth was sleepwalking, drove 14 miles to his in-laws house, grabbed a tire iron and a knife and proceeded to kill his mother in-law while only injuring his father in-law. He then drove to the nearest police station and admitted his wrong doings. He seemed to have no motive according to his wife. He was found not guilty in the court of

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